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700 Views 1 Reply Latest reply: Dec 29, 2012 5:39 PM by Equir RSS
ol0f User 1 posts since
Dec 29, 2012
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Dec 29, 2012 12:20 PM

Over ten years in service with a 4 year degree....

I am a senior NCO with 12 years in service. I joined the active army, as an 11B,  in response to September 11th and subsequently invaded Iraq followed by a multitude of follow on deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan and abroad. My career has been pretty busy, but despite my high op tempo I will finally be finishing my 4 year degree.  I had to complete my education while completing all of the duties required of me by my job.


I would like now to expand my career in to the commissioned ranks, but unfortunately I find the 10 TIS requirement glaring back at me.  Are there any other options for me (and no not Warrant….) ? If the Army will not accept my experience can another service? I would be happy to give back 3 or 4 years in service back to the army for a chance to commission.  I could give back the amount of time I spent in combat, since those years proved very difficult to complete any kind of education, which would also make me eligible.  I would even be willing to commit to another 20 years , if the question of retention is the question.  I know  the last statements  are not in any way realistic, but I feel pretty frusterated about the requirement and am willing to do what it takes.

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