Species Life-cycle Analysis Modules (SLAM)
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Species Life-cycle Analysis Modules (SLAM)


Species Life Cycle Analysis Modules (SLAM) is a tool for modeling life-cycle dynamics. Designed for rapid exploration of alternative life-cycle structures and stage transition assumptions, the program can be used to evaluate the population consequences of proposed management actions that affect survival and capacity of specific life stages.


SLAM was created at the NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center by:

Paul McElhany (project lead, ecologist)
Mirek Kos (design and development, java programmer)
Anne Mullan (scenario development and testing, ecologist)
NOAA logo


The SLAM application is available free to the public. Source code (java) is available on request. The software was created by NOAA employees and is not subject to copyright protection. The program uses several open source libraries, which are used in accordance with their individual licenses.


The application is still in developemnt and we appreciate all feedback. An integrated users manual is included in the program installation. As described in the disclaimer, we do not make any guarantees about the suitability of SLAM for any particular application.

Current Version - 1.0.8b 8/15/2008

Microsoft Windows installer
zip (all platforms)

Old Versions

note: SLAM is standalone application developed in Java and requires JRE version 6. If java is not already on your computer, it is available free at The next link/button will exit from NWFSC web site http://www.java.com/getjava/.

To incorporate complex temporal patterns, SLAM can use externally generated time series of productivity and capacity. We have written time series generator that can generate time series with particular patterns such as increasing or decreasing trend and with temporal autocorrelations. This program (including a brief user guide) is available for download here:

SLAM Series Generator

We are creating a library of SLAM life-cycle and scenario files, which can serve as examples, inspiration, and reference for other SLAM projects. If you would like to submit a life-cycle or scenario for inclusion in the library, please send it to nwfsc.slam_app@noaa.gov.


The program is still in development and we appreciate feedback to make it better. Send any comments, questions or bug reports to nwfsc.slam_app@noaa.gov. In sending questions or bug reports, it is helpful to attached the scenario file which generated the issue.

last modified 09/04/2008