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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   About   >   Consolidated Planning   >   Consolidated Plan Regulations / Guidance / Notices
Consolidated Plan Regulations / Guidance / Notices


In 1995, HUD created the Consolidated Plan to serve as the planning document (comprehensive housing affordability strategy and community development plan) of state or local grantee governments and an application for funding under any of the Community Planning and Development formula grant programs: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investments Partnership (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA). 24 CFR Part 91 contains the regulations that set forth the Consolidated Plan submission requirements. This rule is being revised as a result of changes in the Emergency Solutions Grant program. The ESG Interim Rule includes both changes to the Emergency Shelter Grant regulations at 24 CFR Part 576 and conforming changes to the Consolidated Plan regulations at 24 CFR Part 91.

24 CFR Part 91

24 CFR Part 91 as amended by the ESG Interim Rule and Homeless Definition Final Rule

ESG Interim Rule

Certifications and SF 424

The Consolidated Plan regulations require grantees to complete and submit the SF-424 (the standard face sheet for federal applications and pre-applications), as well as the appropriate certifications (state or non-state).

Non-State Certifications

State Certifications



The notices listed below advise grantees on modifications in programs and regulations.

Consolidated Plan Notice

Notice describing changes to the Consolidated Plan, within current statutory and regulatory provisions, for a new process for electronic submission including a required template and other improvements as well as HUD?s transition plan for implementation.

ESG Substantial Amendment Process

Notice advising grantees on the Consolidated Plan amendment process resulting from the HEARTH Act

2006 Performance Measurement NoticeNotice advising grantees on the implementation of outcome measurement for activities conducted under CPD?s block grant programs.