The Small Business Watchdog

As the voice of small business in government, Advocacy invites you to post your thoughts on this moderated blog, provided as a forum for the small business community.

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Entries from April 2012

Nurturing an Innovation/Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

April 26th, 2012 · 1 Comment

On April 19 and 20, I attended the University of Virginia (UVa) Venture Summit, a signature event that brings together innovative researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors. The event explored the idea that startups thrive on the relationships they foster in a robust ecosystem richly endowed with innovative research, access to funding and investors, and the sheer [...]


Tags: State and Regional

Department of Justice to Hold Webinars on Accessible Means of Entry and Exit for Existing Pools

April 25th, 2012 · Comments Off

The Department of Justice is announcing free webinars that will provide information and technical assistance addressing the accessible pool entry requirements of the revised 2010 ADA Regulations and the 2010 ADA Standards as they relate to existing pools.

The first webinar will be May 2, 2012, from 2:30 – 3:45 EDT, and it will address the [...]


Tags: Uncategorized

Capitol Hill Connection for the Week of April 23

April 24th, 2012 · Comments Off

Each week while Congress is in session the Office of Advocacy posts a highlights schedule of congressional hearings and committee markups that we think will be of interest to stakeholders in the small business community. For further information on the hearings in question please contact the relevant congressional committee.
The House and Senate are both [...]


Tags: Uncategorized

Reg Alert—Time to Comment on Changes to Rules on Eagle Permitting

April 23rd, 2012 · Comments Off

On April 13, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) proposed to revise the regulations for permits for nonpurposeful take of golden eagles and bald eagles. The term “nonpurposeful,” means it is associated with, but not the purpose of, an activity. FWS proposes to extend the maximum term for programmatic permits to 30 years and charge [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy

New York City Industry and Transport Firms See Obstacles—and Openings

April 20th, 2012 · 2 Comments

Seems everyone’s clear that getting America back to work is the number one priority. And small businesses are the key to making that happen. Small businesses, the engine of our economy, are continuing to not only create jobs, they also drive growth and fuel innovation. I recently participated in the NYC Business Solutions Industrial and [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy · State and Regional

A Champion of Veteran Entrepreneurship Passes

April 19th, 2012 · Comments Off

Like advocates for veterans everywhere, I was saddened to learn of the passing of my dear friend John K. Lopez on Friday.  John was truly the father of the “veteran entrepreneurship community” and I am proud to have known and worked with him going back for many years.  A Korean War veteran, John spent a lifetime [...]


Tags: Research & Statistics

SEC Invites Comments; Posts Initial Input on JOBS Act Rulemaking

April 17th, 2012 · 4 Comments

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced on April 11 that it is accepting public input on its implementation of the newly enacted Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, Pub. L. No. 112-106. The Act includes provisions that require the SEC to undertake various initiatives, including rulemaking and studies touching on capital formation, crowdfunding, disclosure, [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy

Capitol Hill Connection for the Week of April 16

April 16th, 2012 · 1 Comment

Each week while Congress is in session the Office of Advocacy posts a highlights schedule of congressional hearings and committee markups that we think will be of interest to stakeholders in the small business community. For further information on the hearings in question please contact the relevant congressional committee.
The House and Senate are both [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy

Crowdfunding—Read the Fine Print*

April 12th, 2012 · 4 Comments

*The regulations, that is. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has 270 days from the bill signing to write the regulations.
It is common knowledge that innovation and entrepreneurship are critical factors for economic growth. There is even agreement that most innovation occurs in small business and startups, but capital for this critical sector of our [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy · State and Regional

March Roundtable Madness Winds Down at Advocacy

April 11th, 2012 · Comments Off

In March, the Office of Advocacy hosted five roundtables on a range of matters that affect small businesses. Advocacy’s roundtables facilitate dialogue between small businesses and government agencies. These exchanges concerned issues related to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Paperwork Reduction Act, the financial industry, employee benefit plans, and occupational health and safety. The [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy