The Small Business Watchdog

As the voice of small business in government, Advocacy invites you to post your thoughts on this moderated blog, provided as a forum for the small business community.

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Entries from March 2009

Enabling Small Business Innovation

March 20th, 2009 · 4 Comments

On Tuesday, I participated in a workshop sponsored by Intuit and Emergent Research, on the latest addition to their “Future of Small Business” series, Defining Small Business Innovation.  The report authors, Steve King and Carolyn Ockels of Emergent Research, define innovation more broadly than many policymakers and academics.  To them, more small businesses are innovators than [...]


Tags: Uncategorized

Connecticut Introduces Bill to Help Small Businesses

March 19th, 2009 · Comments Off

            Connecticut legislators are currently considering a bill that will help improve the regulatory climate for small businesses in Connecticut.  House bill 5930, sponsored by Rep. Diana Urban, D-Stonington, would require state agencies to consider the costs to small business of proposed regulations.
            Representative Urban discussed the importance of this legislation in a recent Hartford [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy · State and Regional

Are Small Business Employees Trained For Their Jobs?

March 10th, 2009 · 8 Comments

      On Feb. 27th I presented a paper titled “Small Business Training and Development: Analysis of Recipients, Types, Location and Incidence Levels Using SIPP Data” at the 35th Annual Eastern Economic Association Conference at the Sheraton New York in Manhattan.  The paper was based on an analysis of the latest training data released by the [...]


Tags: Research & Statistics

Regulatory Review Roundtable Runs Into Overtime

March 6th, 2009 · Comments Off

Ok. So, it’s a new Administration, a new Congress, and new times for the small business legislative and regulatory world.  Congress is holding hearings on the midnight regulations that went into effect at the end of President Bush’s term. At the same time, President Obama issued a memorandum on January 30 directing the Office of [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy