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DAU Courses
CON 170 Fundamentals of Cost and Price Analysis
(Last Modified:14-Jan-2013)



The course begins with an in-depth review of the Market Research process, and provides instruction to help students understand and analyze contractor pricing strategies. Students will learn to accomplish Cost-Volume-Profit analysis, calculate contribution margin estimates, and develop cost estimating relationships in order to accomplish an effective price analysis pursuant to FAR Subpart 15.4. The course provides an overview regarding the regulations and processes regarding the use of cost analysis, and for requiring certified cost and pricing data. Finally, after learning the basic elements of price and cost analysis, students will build and defend a pre-negotiation objective, including a minimum and maximum pricing objective with a Weighted Guidelines assessment. After successfully defending their pricing objectives, the students will practice face-to-face negotiations.
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
New hires to the Contracting Career Field (Civilian OCC Series 1102).
  • CLC 058, Introduction to Contract Pricing
  • CON 090, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Fundamentals (Only required if assigned to the Contracting Career Field)
  • CON 127, Contract Management
  • CLC 024,Basic Math Refresher
  • Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
    Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
    None None None None
    Course Length
    10 classroom days
    Additional Course Information
    Delivery Mode Resident
    Equivalent Courses None
    ACE Recommended Credits YES
    PDS Code ZKK
    Additional Public Information YES
    Continuing Education Units   7.6
    Continuous Learning Points  76
    Reservist Retirement Points  0
    Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • Participant performance will be assessed by a minimum of one graded exam on math fundamentals, two graded exams on applied course material, and one exercise for student participation and completion of negotiations.
  • CLPs noted above are for the pilot offering(s) only.
  • Pre-work required / Walk-ins authorized / Pre-work accessible on DAU Public Blackboard
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