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Galerías de fotos

Datos sobre los jóvenes del Milenio

14 agosto 2012

Esta Galería de Fotos forma parte del eJournal "!Vota la juventud! Las elecciones de 2012 en Estados Unidos"

La Generación del Milenio es muy diferente a la de sus padres o sus abuelos.


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EMBED: © AP Images

ALT: Two girls looking at iPad (AP Images)

Americans born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s are referred to by many names, but the “Millennial Generation” and “Millennials” are the names that seem to stick. Whatever they are called, members of this generation are different from their parents and grandparents. They …

Source: 2010 “Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change” report by Pew Research Center

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EMBED: © AP Images

ALT: Young man talking to another man before booth (AP Images)

... face tougher economic challenges, but are still upbeat about the future.

A job seeker collects job applications during a job fair at the University of Illinois in Springfield, Illinois.

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EMBED: © AP Images

ALT: Michelle Wie in graduate's cap and gown (AP Images)

... are more educated and less likely to start a family early.

Golfer Michelle Wie graduates from Stanford University in June 2012.

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EMBED: © AP Images

ALT: Crowd marching in street (AP Images)

... hold more progressive views on social issues, the role of government and U.S. international engagement.

Students march in lower Manhattan as part of an Occupy Wall Street protest.

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EMBED: © AP Images

ALT: People sitting on stairs (AP Images)

... are more racially and ethnically diverse and overwhelmingly think diversity is good for the country.

Engineering and computer science students of Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.

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EMBED: © AP Images

ALT: Crowd with posters and banners (AP Images)

... are more comfortable with immigration and interracial marriage.

Student demonstrators in Warwick, Rhode Island, express support for lower rates of tuition for illegal immigrants who attend public colleges.