Senator Boxer: Your Voice Counts   

Tuesday, January 10, 2012  

Dear Friend:

As you know, I periodically send you email messages about my work in the Senate and the critical issues facing our country. You receive these messages because you signed up for Boxer Updates on my official website,

Whenever I send you an outreach message, I invite you to respond with your comments.  Now, in order to expand this conversation even further, I have created a feature called "Your Voice Counts" that will allow you to make your voice heard by submitting your comments and ideas to be posted on my website.

To read more about this new feature, please click here.  To join the conversation, click here.

The "Your Voice Counts" section of the website will be updated regularly to include a representative sample of feedback from Californians on a wide range of issues. You don't have to agree with me to make your voice count – in fact, I hope to promote a robust debate on the issues – but all comments should avoid obscene or abusive language

If you want to respond to my outreach messages but don't want your comment published on the website, the response form gives you that option.  To revise your Boxer Updates account to receive messages on more, fewer, or different subjects, please click here.  To stop receiving Boxer Updates, click "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of any outreach message from me.


Barbara Boxer, US Senator, California
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer