U.S. Contributes an Initial $171 Million to the UN Refugee Agency


Office of the Spokesperson
February 11, 2013



State Department Contributes an Initial $171 Million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


The United States is pleased to announce an initial contribution of over $171 million toward the 2013 operations of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

This year’s initial contribution funded through the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, will support UNHCR efforts worldwide. This funding includes support for refugees returning to countries such as Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo; local integration and resettlement; and protection and life-saving assistance. U.S. funding supports the provision of water, shelter, food, healthcare, and education to refugees, internally displaced persons, and other persons under UNHCR’s care and protection in countries such as Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Georgia, Colombia, South Sudan, and Kenya. The contribution will support UNHCR’s program activities listed below:


Africa $ 82.9 million
Middle East $ 32.6 million
Asia and Pacific $ 23.1 million
Emergency Response activities $ 8.8 million
Global Operations $ 7.1 million
Headquarters $ 4.9 million
Europe $ 4.8 million
Western Hemisphere $ 4.8 million
Resettlement> $ 2.2 million
TOTAL over $ 171 million


In 2012, the United States contributed more than $775 million to UNHCR to support on-going and emergency programs around the world. Specifically, in response to the Syria humanitarian crisis, the United States has provided $84 million to UNHCR in fiscal years 2012 and 2013.  This is part of the U.S. government’s support to the humanitarian crisis, which totals $365 million.

We salute the important work of UNHCR, its many NGO partners, and refugee-hosting countries in providing protection to displaced populations around the world.

(end media note)

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