
Career Coaching

The Department of Veterans Affairs is proud to count more than 100,000 Veterans among our ranks. We recognize that a staff comprised of Veterans is best suited to both understand and work to solve the challenges many Veterans face. To encourage Veterans to seek a VA career, we are pleased to offer the services of Career Coaches.

Career Coaches provide:

  • Guidance for using the Career Center and other resources.
  • Application, resume and cover letter reviews.
  • Practice interviews.
  • Assistance with selecting the appropriate application format.
  • Follow-up support to keep you on track to reach your career goals.

If you are a Veteran interested in working at VA and have questions about updating your resume, using the Career Center, translating your military skills into the civilian workforce, or just need to talk to someone for guidance, please contact a coach by calling 1-855-VA4VETS (1-855-824-8387, TTY: 1-855-824-8833). You can also complete the Request a Coach Form to have a coach assigned to you.

​For Career Coaching assistance, call now
