International Fisheries:

2011 Calendar (International Fisheries Division)

For further details on upcoming meetings please see:
For information on upcoming Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission events;
For information on upcoming fisheries events; and
For information on upcoming events of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas.

January 24-28. PrepCon II, South Pacific RFMO. Cali, Colombia.
February 27- March 4. 10th Consultation on the establishment of the North Pacific RFMO. Vancouver, Canada.
March 15th Session of IOTC.
Formal consultation SPTT. Republic of the Marshall Islands.
150th WPRFMC mtg. American Samoa.
May 16-19. 62st Tuna Conference. Lake Arrowhead, California.
June 27-30. 151th WPRFMC mtg. Honolulu, Hawaii.
July Kobe III. LaJolla, California.
20-25. 11th ISC. Venue to be determined.
4-8. IATTC annual meeting. La Jolla, California.
August 9-17. SC7. Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
September 6-9. NC7. venue to be determined.
IATTC Scientific Advisory Committee. Venue to be determined.
28- Oct 4. TCC7. Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
October 17-21. 152nd WPRFMC mtg. Honolulu, Hawaii.
November 9-19. ICCAT. Istanbul, Turkey.
December 5-9. WCPFC8. Koror, Palau.