We Are Making History!

Dave Olson, SRR Project Manager

The most significant environmental risk reduction in South Carolina in 15 years is currently under way at the Savannah River Site. The stabilization of two hazardous waste tanks (Tanks 18 and 19) with grout is in progress and will extend through the summer.

Operationally closing Tanks 18 and 19 follows the successful and safe closing of the first two hazardous waste tanks (Tanks 17 and 20) in 1997.

Removing waste from old-style waste tanks and operationally closing these tanks takes dedication and teamwork. I am impressed with and proud of our employees, who have worked together for the common goal of emptying these tanks and now beginning the final stage of the closure process.

Savannah River Remediation (SRR) employees are the best employees in the world at what they do. This tank grouting is a testament to their commitment to our mission of closing waste tanks.

It is SRR's role as a remediation company to protect workers, the public and the environment. It is a mission we take seriously and will perform safely.

Dave Olson
SRR President and Project Manager

URS Corporation is a leading provider of engineering, construction and technical services for public agencies and private sector companies around the world. The Company offers a full range of program management; planning, design and engineering; systems engineering and technical assistance; construction and construction management; operations and maintenance; and decommissioning and closure services. Global Management and Operations Services Business Group is headquartered in Aiken, SC. URS Corporation has approximately 46,500 employees in a network of offices in more than 40 countries.