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What is this job like? Back to Top Back to Top

Chemicals are a big part of the physical world around us. Everything is made of chemicals. Chemists and materials scientists find ways to make chemicals useful to us. They also try to improve things that people use daily, such as paint, medicine, and cosmetics, as well as cars and airplanes. Chemists also search for new chemicals in nature. They search for ways to save energy and reduce pollution. Their research on living things helps doctors, farmers, and food preparers do their jobs better.

Part of a chemist's job is to search for new facts about chemicals. Some chemists watch what happens when they mix two or more chemicals together. They explain what they might see, smell, or feel. Chemists use computers to conduct experiments and analyze the results. They write down the results and report them to others. From their research, they can create new products. Chemists can also improve products we already have and show us new ways to use them. Chemists specialize in one of the many different types of chemistry.

Some chemists and materials scientists work in factories. They tell plant workers which ingredients to use to make a chemical. They also tell the workers how long to mix chemicals, and how hot or cold the mixture should be. They watch the whole process to make sure that they get the right product at the end. They test samples to make sure they meet industry and government rules.

Chemists and materials scientists usually work regular hours in offices and laboratories. Labs have many kinds of equipment to do experiments. Research chemists spend most of their time in labs. Sometimes they work in offices when they have to write reports on their lab work. Some of the large labs have factories or places where workers make examples of the real products. For example, materials scientists may work closely with engineers and other workers in manufacturing facilities. Chemists may also do some of their research in a factory or outdoors. For example, when they go outside, they can get samples of the air to test for pollution. Some chemists work around dangerous chemicals. They have to wear protective clothing and follow rules to keep them safe on their jobs.

How do you get ready? Back to Top Back to Top

To become a chemist, a person needs to have a college degree in chemistry or a related subject. Materials scientists need a college degree in materials science, or chemistry, physics, or electrical engineering. However, chemists and materials scientists usually need further schooling for research jobs.

Students who want to become chemists or materials scientists tend to enjoy science and math in school. They also like to build things with their hands and experiment with different objects. Students must be willing to work hard and independently, ask a lot of questions, and focus on details. They must be willing to work by themselves. Students should learn how to work on the computer.

Some employers need chemists and materials scientists who know about other subjects in the business field. They also need persons who can be leaders. Reading, writing, and speaking skills are also important.

How much does this job pay? Back to Top Back to Top

The average yearly wages of chemists were $71,070 in May 2008. Materials scientists had average yearly wages of $81,600. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, beginning salary offers in July 2009 for graduates with a bachelor's degree in chemistry averaged $39,897 a year. In March 2009, yearly earnings of chemists in the Federal Government averaged $101,687.

How many jobs are there? Back to Top Back to Top

Chemists and materials scientists held about 94,100 jobs in 2008. About 4 out of 10 jobs were in manufacturing firms. A lot of the firms were in the chemical manufacturing industry. This industry produces plastics and synthetic materials, drugs, soaps and cleaners, paints, industrial organic chemicals, and other chemical products.

Chemists and materials scientists are employed in all parts of the United States. Most of them work in cities that have a lot of different industries.

What about the future? Back to Top Back to Top

Employment of chemists and materials scientists is expected to grow more slowly than the average for all occupations through 2018. There will be job openings in industries that sell things that a lot of people need or want to buy, like medicine. In other industries, it will be harder for a chemist to get a job, especially when the economy is not doing well.

Employers are especially looking for chemists and materials scientists who have a master's or Ph.D. degree. Those with only a bachelor's degree might find a job as a research assistant.

Are there other jobs like this? Back to Top Back to Top

Where can you find more information? Back to Top Back to Top

More BLS information about chemists and materials scientists can be found in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. The Handbook also shows where to find out even more about this job.



Last Modified Date: March 19, 2010