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Mariner Training Resources

Merchant Mariner Education Module

The merchant mariner education training module can be used by instructors at maritime academies, and in certification and licensing courses to educate ship's officers and crew about the potential for vessel strikes of North Atlantic right whales and the regulatory measures in place to protect these whales. The training package includes a PowerPoint education module, goals and objectives of the training, test questions, informational placards, fact sheets, and relevant video clips. This training package is intended to provide Federal, state, and international maritime academic and training institutions and fleet managers with information on the vessel strike problem, voyage planning and watchkeeping procedures to implement in right whale areas, and a detailed description of the operational measures presently in place to help prevent vessel strikes of North Atlantic right whales.


Right Whale with Ship in Background


The module's lessons were developed to be incorporated in the following courses: Voyage Planning, Bridge Management, Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation, Social Responsibility,, Basic Safety and Environmental Training, and Certification, Re-certification, and License Testing for mariners operating in coastal waters of the United States and Canada. The module may also be used in sea semester training and fleet training scenarios. Education of all mariners is a critical part of NOAA Fisheries' goal to minimize vessel strikes of right whales.

For more information on the Ship Strike Reduction Program, please contact
Michael Asaro at 978-282-8469 or Michael.Asaro@noaa.gov

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Last Updated: April 26, 2012

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