Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!
100th Meridian Initiative
Zebra/Quagga Mussel Bibliography
Compiled by Sara Mueting, UNLV
Organized by Category then by Year of Publication

Abiotic Interactions
Long-term reponse of dreissena polymorpha larvae to physical and biological forcing in a shallow lake
2007 Oecologia 151:104-114
Wilhelm S, Adrian R

The reponse of zooplankton and phytoplankton from the North american great lakes to filtration
2007 Harmful Algae 6:547-566
Cangelosi AA, Mays NL, Balcer MD, Reavie ED, Reid DM, Sturtevant R, Gao X

Ionic and acid-base consequences of exposure to increased salinity in the zebra mussel, dreissena polymorpha
2006 Biol Bull 211:66-75
Byrne RA, Dietz TH

Impact of the zebra mussel invasion on the budget of suspended material in a shallow lagoon ecosystem
2006 Helgol Mar Res 60:113-120
Daunys D, Zemlys P, Olenin S, Zaiko A, Ferrarin C

Factors influencing the attachment strength of Dreissena polymorpha
2006 Biofouling 22(3):141-150
Kobak J

soluble nitrogen and phosphorus excretion of exotic freshwater mussels: potential impacts for nutrient remineralisation in western lake erie
2005 Freshwater Biology 50:1146-1162
Conroy JD, Edwards WJ, Pontius RA, Kane DD, Zhang H, Shea JF, Richey JN, Culver DA

Influence of physicochemical factors on the distribution and biomass of invasive mussels (dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis) in the St. Lawrence River
2005 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 62:1953-1962
Jones LA, Ricciardi A

Respiratory response to temperature and hypoxia in the zebra mussel
2004 Comp Biochem Physiol A 137:425-434
Alexander JE, McMahon RF

Effect of turbulence on the mortality of zebra mussel veligers
2003 Can J Zool 81:1063-1069
Rehmann CR, Stoeckel JA, Schneider DW

Factors affecting the movement of adult zebra mussels
2002 J N Am Benthol Soc 21(3):468-475
Toomey MB, McCabe D, Marsden JE

Colonial aggregates: effects of spatial position on zebra mussel responses to vertical gradients in interstitial water quality
2002 J N Am Benthol Soc 21(1):64-75
Burks RL, Tuchman NC, Call CA, Marsden JE

Analysis of factors affecting zebra mussel growth in saginaw bay: a GIS-based modeling approach
2002 J Great Lakes Res 28(3):396-410
Chakraborti RK, Kaur J, DePinto JV

Flexible energy allocation in zebra mussels in response to different environmental conditions
2001 J N Am Benthol Soc 20(3):486-500
Stoeckmann AM, Garton DW

species and epilimnion/hypolimnion- related differences in size at larval settlement and metamorphosis in dreissena (bivalvia)
2001 Limnology and Oceanography 46(3):707-713
Martel AL, Baldwin BS, Dermott RM, Lutz RA

Benthic-pelagic coupling over a zebra mussel reef in western lake erie
2001 Limnology and Oceanography 46(4):892-904
Ackerman JD, Loewen MR, Hamblin PF

River dissolved oxygen model with zebra mussel oxygen demand (ZOD)
2001 J Environ Engineering 127(9):790-801
Gelda RK, Effler SW, Owens EM

Dissolved oxygen declines in the hudson river associated with the invasion of the zebra mussel
2000 Environ Sci Technol 34:1204-1210
Caraco NF, Cole JJ, Findlay SE, Fischer DT, Lampman GG, Pace ML, Strayer DL

Uptake of dissolved organic carbon and trace elements by zebra mussels
2000 Nature 407:78-80
Roditi HA, Fisher NS, Sanudo-Wilhelmy SA

Can zebra mussels change stratification patterns in a small reservior?
2000 Hydrobiologia 431:175-184
Yu N, Culver DA

Reduced chlorophyll to phosphorus rations in nearshore Great Lakes waters coincide with the establishment of dreissenid mussels
1999 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 56:153-161
Nicholls KH, Hopkins GJ, Standke SJ

Estimating the effective clearance rate and refiltration by zebra mussels in a stratified reservoir
1999 Freshwater Biology 41:481-492
Yu N, Culver DA

In Situ survival and growth of zebra mussels under chronic hypoxia in a stratified lake
1999 Hydrobiologia 392:205-215
Yu N, Culver DA

Effects of inorganic sediment and food concentrations on energetic processes of the zebra mussel implications for growth in turbid rivers
1998 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 55:401-413
Madon SP, Schneider DW, Stoeckel JA, Sparks RE

Physical factors that limit the distribution and abundance of dreissena polymorpha
1998 Journal of Shellfish Research 17(4):1219-1235
Karatayev AY, Burlakova LE, Padilla DK

Salinity tolerance of the freshwater bivalve dreissena polymorpha
1998 The Nautilus 111(4):143-148
Wilcox SJ, Dietz TH

Zebra mussels invade lake erie muds
1998 Nature 393:27-28
Berkman PA, Haltuch MA, Tichich E, Garton DW, Kennedy GW, Gannon JE

Dynamics of zebra mussel oxygen demand in seneca river, ny
1998 Environ Sci Technol 32:807-812
Effler SW, Boone SR, Siegried C, Ashby SL

seasonal and depth variations in gametogenesis and spawning of dreissena polymorpha and dreissena bugensis in eastern lake erie
1998 Can J Zool 76:2010-2019
Claxton WT, Mackie GL

Responses of Ohio river and lake erie dreissenid molluscs to changes in temperature and turbidity
1998 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 55:220-229
Thorp JH, Alexander JE, Bukaveckas BL, Cobbs GA, Bresko KL

Effects of temperature and chronic hypoxia on survivorship of the zebra mussel and asian clam
1998 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 55:1564-1572
Johnson PD, McMahon RF

Effects of salinity on solute clearance from the freshwater bivalve, dreissena polymorpha
1997 Exp Biol Online 2:11
Dietz TH, Byrne RA

Effects of hyperosmotic challenge on the freshwater bivalve dreissena polymorpha: improtance of K+
1997 Can J Zool 75:697-705
Dietz TH, Wilcox SJ, Byrne RA, Silverman H

Effects of pH, calcium, alkalinity, hardness, and chlorophyll on the survival, growth, and reproductive success of zebra mussel in Ontario lakes
1997 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 54:2049-2057
Hincks SS, Mackie GL

Effects of the exotic zebra mussel on metal cycling in Lake Erie
1997 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 54:1630-1638
Klerks PL, Fraleigh PC, Lawniczak JE

Sensivity of aerial exposure potential of system-wide drawdowns to manage zebra mussesl in the mississippi river
1997 Regul Rivers Res Mgmt 13:479-487
Tucker JK, Theiling CH, Janzen FJ, Paukstis GL

Effects of zebra mussels on seston levels and sediment deposition in wester lake erie
1996 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 53:2284-2291
Klerks PL, Fraleigh PC, Lawniczak JE

effect of salinity and temperature on survival and development of young zebra and quagga mussels
1996 Estuaries 19(3):619-628
Wright DA, Setzler-Hamilton EM, Magee JA, Kennedy VS, McIninch SP

Respiratory adjustment of dreissenid mussels in response to chronic turbidity
1996 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 53:1626-1631
Summers RB, Thorp JH, Alexander JE, Fell RD

potential abiotic and biotic impacts of zebra mussels on the inland waters of north america
1996 Amer Zool 36:287-299
MacIsaac HJ

Changes in environmental conditions during dreissena colonization of a monitoring station in eastern lake erie
1996 J Great Lakes Res 22(3):744-756
Howell ET, Marvin CH, Bilyea RW, Kauss PB, Somers K

Osmotic and ionic regulation of north american zebra mussels
1996 Amer Zool 36:364-372
Deitz TH, Wilcox SJ, Byrne RA, Lynn JW, Silverman H

Nitrogen and phosphorus recycling by the zebra mussel in the western basin of Lake Erie
1996 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 53:646-659
Arnott DL, Vanni MJ

The Physiological ecology of the zebra mussel in north america and europe
1996 Amer Zool 36:339-363
McMahon RF

A wall jet to measure the attachment strength of zebra mussels
1995 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 52:126-135
Ackerman JD, Cottrell CM, Ethier CR, Allen DG, Spelt JK

Oxygen consumption, nitrogenous excretion, and filtration rates of dreissena polymorpha at acclimation temperatures between 20 and 32 C
1995 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 52:1761-1767
Aldridge DW, Payne BS, Miller AC

Filtration rates of the zebra mussel on natural seston from Saginaw bay, Lake Huron
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):489-500
Fanslow DL, Nalepa TF, Lang GA

The Effect of salinity and temperature on spawning and fertilization in the zebra mussel from north america
1995 Biol Bull 189:320-329
Fong PP, Kyozuka K, Duncan J, Synkowski S, Mekasha D, Ram JL

Effects of the zebra mussel on community nitrogen dynamics in saginaw bay lake huron
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):529-544
Gardner WS, Cavaletto JF, Johengen TH, Johnson JR, Heath RT, Cotner JB

Nutrient changes in saginaq bay, lake huron after the establishment of the zebra mussel
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):449-464
Johengen TH, Nalepa TF, Fahnenstiel GL, Goudy G

Impact of mussel on phosphorus cycling and chlorophyll in lakes
1995 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 52:2553-2573
Mellina E, Rasmussen JB, Mills EL

Limits to tolerance of temperature and salinity in the quagge mussel and the zebra mussel
1995 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 52:2108-2119
Spidle AP, May B, Mills EL

Potassium transport in the freshwater bivalve dreissena polymorpha
1995 J Experimental Biology 198:861-868
Wilcox SJ, Dietz TH

Effect of low water temperature on ion balance in the zebra mussel and the unionid mussel
1994 The Nautilus 107(4):113-117
Scheide JI, Bonaminio PN

Effects of season, stock, and laboratory protocols on survival of zebra mussels in bioassays
1994 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 27:29-35
Kilgour BW, Baker MA

Zebra mussel populations in the seneca river, NY: impact on oxygen resources
1994 Environ Sci Technol 28:2216-2221
Effler SW, Siegfried C

Invasion of Lake erie offshore sediments by dreissena and its ecological implications
1993 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 50:2298-2304
Dermott R, Munawar M

Pumping rates and projected filtering impacts of juvenile zebra mussels in western lake erie
1993 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 50:1017-1022
Bunt CM, MacIsaac HJ, Sprules WG

Ion transport in the freshwater zebra mussel
1992 Biol Bull 183:297-303
Horohov J, Silverman H, Lynn JW, Dietz TH

Shell growth of the zebra mussel in relation to selected physicochemical parameters in the lower rhine and some associated lakes
1992 Arch Hydrobiol 124(3):257-280
Smit H, de Vaate AB, Fioole A

Biotic Interactions
Relative abundance of native and invasive amphipods in western Lake Erie in relation to Dreissenid mussel encrustation and algal cover
2007 J Freshwater Ecology 22(2):201-212
Duggan JP, Francoeur SN

Effect of seasonal variation in selective feeding by zebra mussels on phytoplankton community composition
2007 Freshwater Biology 52:823-842
Naddafi R, Pettersson K, Eklov P

Occurrence and food habits of the round goby in the profundal zone of southwestern lake ontario
2007 J Great Lakes Res 33:83-92
Walsh MG, Dittman DE, O'Gorman R

Impacts of dreissena invasions on benthic macroinvertebrate communities: a meta-analysis
2007 Diversity and Distributions 13:155-165
Ward JM, Ricciardi A

Changes in seasonal energy dynamics of alewife in lake michigan after invasion of dreissenid mussels
2006 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 63:891-902
Madenjian CP, Pothoven SA, Dettmers JM, Holuszko JD

Alteration of Ecosystem Function by zebra mussels in Oneida Lake: impacts on submerged macrophytes
2006 Ecosystems 9:1017-1028
Zhu B, Fitzgerald DG, Mayer CM, Rudstam LG, Mills EL

extirpation of freshwater mussels (bivalvia: unionidae) following the invasion of dreissenid mussels in an interconnecting river of the laurentian great lakes
2006 Am Midl Nat 155:307-320
Schloesser DW, Metcalfe-Smith JL, Kovalak WP, Longton GD, Smithee RD

Negative effect of zebra mussels on foraging and habitat use by lake sturgeon
2006 Aquat Conserv Mar Freshw Ecosyst 16:493-500
McCabe DJ, Beekey MA, Mazloff A, Marsden JE

Impact of round gobies (neogobius melanostomus) on dreissenids and the associated macroinvertebrate community across an invasion front
2006 J Great Lakes Res 32(1):1-10
Lederer A, Massart J, Janssen J

Changes in spring phytoplankon communities and nutrient dynamics in the eastern basin of lake erie since the invasion of dreissena spp.
2006 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 63:1549-1563
Barbiero RP, Rockwell DC, Warren GJ, Tuchman ML

Changes in benthic invertebrates communities of south bay, lake huron following invasion by zebra mussels and potential effects on lake whitefish diet and growth
2006 J Great Lakes Res 32:180-193
McNickle GG, Rennie MD, Sprules WG

Effects of round gobies on dreissenid mussels and other invertebrates in eastern lake erie 2002-2004
2005 J Great Lakes Res 31(Suppl. 2):252-261
Barton DR, Johnson RA, Campbell L, Petruniak J, Patterson M

Modeling the role of zebra mussels in the proliferation of blue-green algae in saginaw bay, lake huron
2005 J Great Lakes Res 31:32-35
Bierman VJ, Kaur J, DePinto JV, Feist TJ, Dilks DW

Temporal trends in lake erie plankton biomass: roles of external phosphorus loading and dreissenid mussels
2005 J Great Lakes Res 31(Suppl. 2):89-110
Conroy JD, Kane DD, Dolan DM, Edwards WJ, Charlton MN, Culver DA

Flexible diet and trophic position of dreissenid mussels as inferred from stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen
2005 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 62:1119-1129
Garton DW, Payne CD, Montoya JP

Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in southwestern lake ontario following invasion of Dreissena and Echinogammarus: 1983 to 2000
2005 J N Am Benthol Soc 24(1):148-167
Haynes JM, Tisch NA, Mayer CM

Larvae of chironomids encountered in the mantle cavity of zebra mussels
2005 Internat Rev Hydrobiol 90(1):42-50
Mastitsky SE, Samoilenko VM

Grazing on colonial and filamentous toxic and non-toxic cyanobacteria by the zebra mussel
2005 J Plankton Res 27(4):331-339
Pires LMD, Bontes BM, Van Donk E, Idelings BW

exotic species replacement: shifting dominance of dreissenid mussels in the soulanges canal, upper st. lawrence river, canada
2004 J N Am Benthol Soc 23(3): 507-514
Ricciardi A, Whoriskey FG

Space as a limiting resource in freshwater systems: competition between zebra mussels and freshwater sponges
2004 Hydrobiologia 517:137-145
Lauer TE, Spacie A

Effects of an invasive bivalve on fish in the hudson river estuary
2004 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 61:924-941
Strayer DL, Hattala KA, Kahnle AW

Zebra mussels affect benthic predator foraging success and habitat choice on soft sediments
2004 Oecologia 141:164-170
Beekey MA, McCabe DJ, Marsden JE

Zebra mussel colonisation of soft sediments facilitates invertebrate communities
2004 Freshwater Biology 49:535-545
Beekey MA, McCabe DJ, Marsden JE

Epiphytic refugium: are two species of invading freshwater bivalves partitioning spatial resources?
2004 Biological Invasions 6:83-88
Diggins TP, Weimer M, Stewart KM, Baier RE, Meyer AE, Forsberg RF, Goehle MA

Planktonic invaders of the st. lawrence estuarine transition zone: environmental factors controlling the distribution of zebra mussel veligers
2003 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 60:1245-1257
Barnard C, Frenette J, Vinvent WF

Zebra mussels limit food for larval fish in turbulent systems: a bioenergetics analysis
2003 Hydrobiologia 495:59-72
Bartsch LA, Richardson WB, Sandheinrich MB

Review of techniques to prevent introduction of zebra mussels during native mussel conservation activities
2003 J Shellfish Res 22(1)177-184
Cope WG, Newton TJ, Gatenby CM

Indirect effects of zebra mussels on the planktonic food web
2003 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 60:1353-1368
Noonburg EG, Shuter BJ, Abrams PA

Muskrat (ondatra zibethicus) predation on zebra mussels attached to unionid bivalves
2003 J Freshwater Ecology 18(1):25-32
Sletman BE, Dunn HL, Tucker JK, Kelner DE

importance of biotic interactions in large rivers: an experiment with planktivorous fish, dreissenid mussels and zooplankton in the st. lawrence river
2003 River Research and Applications 19:265-279
Thorp JH, Casper AF

Effects of zebra mussels on phytoplankton and ciliates: a field mesocosm experiment
2003 J of Plankton Res 25(8):905-915
Wilson AE

Modelling the chlorophyll a content of the river rhine interrelation between riverine algal production and population biomass of grazers, rotifers and the zebra mussel
2002 Internat Rev Hydrobiol 87(2-3):295-317
Schol A, Kirchesch V, Bergfeld T, Scholl F, Borcherding J, Muller D

potential effects on zooplankton from species shifts in planktivorous mussels: a field experiment in the st lawrence river
2002 Freshwater Biology 47:107-119
Thorp JH, Casper AF

The seasonal succession of macroinvertebrates in particular the zebra mussel in the river rhine and two neighbouring gravel-pit lakes monitored using artificial substrates
2002 Internat Rev Hydrobiol 87(2-3):165-181
Borcherding J, Sturm W

Indigenous microflora and opportunistic pathogens of the freshwater zebra mussel
2002 Hydrobiologia 474:81-90
Gu JD, Mitchell R

Impact of zebra mussels on the pelagic lower trophic levels of oneida lake, NY
2001 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 58:1430-1441
Idrisi N, Mills EL, Rudstam LG, Stewart DJ

Lake trout spawning on artificial reefs and the effect of zebra mussels:fatal attraction?
2001 J Great Lakes Res 27(1)33-43
Marsden JE, Chotkowski MA

CUSUM phytoplankton and chlorophyll functions illustrate the apparent onset of dreissenid mussel impacts in lake ontario
2001 J Great lakes Research 27(4):393-401
Nicholls KH

Zebra mussel selective filtration promoted toxic Microcystis blooms in Saginaw bay (Lake Huron) and Lake Erie
2001 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 58:1208-1221
Vanderploeg HA, Liebig JR, Carmichael WW, Agy MA, Johengen TH, Fahnenstiel GL, Nalepa TF

Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in zebra mussels evidence from the st. lawrence river
2001 Parasitol Res 87:231-234
Graczyk TK, Marcogliese DJ, de Lafontaine Y, Da Silva AJ, Mhangami-Ruwende B, Pieniazek NJ

Fouling mussels colonize soft sediments in Lake Erie and facilitate benthic invertebrates
2000 Freshwater Biology 43:85-97
Bially A, MacIsaac HJ

Benthic and pelagic secondary production in lake erie after the invasion of dreissena spp. With implications for fish production
2000 J Great Lakes Res 26(1):31-54
Johannsson OE, Dermott R, Graham DM, Dahl JA, Millard ES, Myles DD, LeBlanc J

Effects of the benthic suspension feeder Dreissena polymorpha on zooplankton in a large river
2000 Freshwater Biology 44:569-579
Jack JD, Thorp JH

Prevention of the spread of zebra mussels during fish hatchery and aquaculture activities
2000 N Am J Aquaculture 62:229-236
Edwards WJ, Babcock-Jackson L, Culver DA

Response of yellow perch in oneida lake, NY to the establishment of zebra mussels
2000 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 57:742-754
Mayer CM, VanDeValk AJ, Forney JL, Rudstam LG, Mills EL

Interactions between zebra mussels and microbial communities
2000 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 57:591-599
Frischer ME, Nierzwicki-Bauer SA, Parsons RH, Vathanodorn K, Waitkus KR

Phytoplankton composition and biomass in the offshore waters of lake erie: pre and post dreissena introduction (1983-1993)
1999 J Great Lakes Res 25(1):135-148
Makarewicz JC, Lewis TW, Bertram P

Transformation of Freshwater ecosystems by bivalves
1999 BioScience 49(1):19-27
Strayer DL, Caraco NF, Cole JJ, Findlay S, Pace ML

A field experiment to determine dreissena and predator effects on zoobenthos in a nearshore, rocky habitat of western lake erie
1999 J N Am Benthol Soc 18(4):488-498
Stewart TW, Miner JG, Lowe RL

Evidence of recruitment inhibition of zebra mussels by a freshwater bryozoan (Lophopodella carteri)
1999 J N Am Benthol Soc 18(3):406-413
Lauer TE, Barnes DK, Ricciardi A, Spacie A

Effect of zebra mussels on macroinvertebrates in a lake-outlet stream
1999 Am Midl Nat 142(2):340-347
Horvath TG, Martin KM, Lamberti GA

Mechanisms underlying amphipod responses to zebra mussel invasion and implication for fish-amphipod interactions
1999 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 56:679-685
Gonzalez MJ, Downing A

Filtering impacts of an introduced bivalve in a shallow lake: application of a hydrodynamic model
1999 Ecosystems 2:338-350
MacIsaac HJ, Johannsson OE, Ye J, Sprules WG, Leach JH, McCorquodale JA, Grigorovich IA

Experimental measurements of zebra mussel impacts on phytoplankton community composition
1998 Freshwater Biology 39:375-386
Bastviken DTE, Caraco NF, Cole JJ

Phytoplankton spatial and temporal distributions in green bay, lake michigan prior to colonization by zebra mussel
1998 J Great Lakes Res 24(3):620-628
De Stasio BT, Richman S

The potential for using biological control technologies in the management of dreissena spp.
1998 Journal of Shellfish Research 17(1):177-183
Molloy DP

Impending extinctions of north american freshwater mussel (unionoida) following the zebra mussel invasion
1998 J Animal Ecology 67:613-619
Ricciardi A, Neves RJ, Rasmussen JB

impact of zebra and quagga mussel mussels (Dreissena spp.) on freshwater unionids (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Detroit River of the Great Lakes.
1998 American Midl Nat 140: 299-313
Schloesser DW, Kovalak WP, Longton GD, Ohnesorg KL , Smithee RD

Changes in phytoplankton community structure during the zebra mussel invasion of the hudson river
1998 J Plankton Res 20(8):1567-1579
Smith TE, Stevenson RJ, Caraco NF, Cole JJ

Macroinvertebrate communities on hard substrates in western lake erie: structuring effects of dreissena
1998 J Great Lakes Res 24(4):868-879
Stewart TW, Miner JG, Lowe RL

Effects of zebra mussel invasion on the macrobenthos of the freshwater tidal hudson river
1998 Can J Zool 76:419-425
Strayer DL, Smith LC, Hunter DC

The effects of dreissena polymorpha invasion on aquatic communities in eastern europe
1997 J Shellfish Res 16(1):187-203
Karatayev AY, Burlakova LE, Padilla DK

Zebra mussel effects on sediment, other zoobenthos, and the diet and growth of adult yellow perch in pond enclosures
1997 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 54:1903-1915
Thayer SA, Haas RC, Hunter RD, Kushler Rh

Effects of zebra mussels on food webs: interactions with juvenile bluegill and water residence time
1997 Hydrobiologia 354:141-150
Richardson WB, Bartsch LA

Natural enemies of zebra mussels: predators, parasites, and ecological competitors
1997 Reviews in Fisheries Science 5(1):27-97
Molloy DP, Karatayev AY, Burlakova LE, Kurandina DP, Laruelle F

Changes to the deepwater benthos of eastern lake erie since the invasion of dreissena 1979-1993
1997 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 54:922-930
Dermott R, Kerec D

The role of the zebra mussel in structuring macroinvertebrate communities on hard substrata
1997 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 54:2596-2608
Ricciardi A, Whoriskey FG, Rasmussen JB

Clearance and processing of algal particles by zebra mussels
1996 J Great Lakes Res 22(3):779-788
Berg DJ, Fisher SW, Landrum PF

Predicting the consequences of dreissenid mussels on a pelagic food web
1996 Ecological Modelling 85:129-144
Padilla DK, Adolph SC, Cottingham KL, Schneider DW

Impact of the dreissena invasion on native unionid bivalves in the upper st. lawrence river
1996 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 53:1434-1444
Ricciardi A, Whoriskey FG, Rasmussen JB

Filtration of hudson river water by the zebra mussel
1996 Estuaries 19(4):824-832
Roditi HA, Caraco NF, Cole JJ, Strayer DL

Zebra mussel infestation of unionid bivalves in north america
1996 Amer Zool 36:300-310
Schloesser DW, Nalepa TF, Mackie GL

Relationships between zebra mussels and unionid clams during the early stages of the zebra mussel invasion of the hudson river
1996 Freshwater Biology 36:771-779
Strayer DL, Smith LC

Suppression of microzooplankton by zebra mussels: importance of mussel size
1995 Freshwater Biology 34:379-387
MacIsaac HJ, Lonnee CJ, Leach JH

Zooplankton grazing during the zebra mussel colonization of saginaw bay, lake huron
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):567-573
Bridgeman TB, Fahnenstiel GL, Lang GA, Nalepa TF

Predicting the intensity and impact of dreissena infestation on native unionid bivalves from dreissena field density
1995 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 52:1449-1461
Ricciardi A, Whoriskey FG, Rasmussen JB

lethal and sublethal effects of sponge overgrowth on introduced dreissenid mussels in the great lakes- st lawrence river system
1995 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 52:2695-2703
Ricciardi A, Snyder FL, Kelch DO, Reiswig HM

Effects of zebra mussels on bacterioplankton: evidence for both size-selective consumption and growth stimulation
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):517-528
Cotner JB, Gardner WS, Johnson JR, Sada RH, Cavaletto JF, Heath RT

Phytoplankton productivity in saginaw bay, lake Huron: effects of zebra mussel colonization
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):465-475
Fahnenstiel GL, Bridgeman TB, Lang GA, McCormick MJ, Nalepa TF

Ecosystem-level effects of zebra mussels an enclosure experiment in saginaw bay, lake huron
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):501-516
Heath RT, Fahnenstiel GL, Gardner WS, Cavaletto JF, Hwang SJ

Reduced survival and fitness in native bivalves in response to fouling by the introduced zebra mussel in western lake erie
1993 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 50:13-19
Haag WR, Berg DJ, Garton DW, Farris JL

Concentrations of migrant diving ducks at point pelee national park ontario in response to invasion of zebra mussel
1992 Canadian Field-Naturalist 106(3):376-380
Wormington A, Leach JH

Ingestion of small-bodied zooplankton by zebra mussels: can cannibalism on larvae influence population dynamics?
1991 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 48:2051-2060
MacIsaac HJ, Sprules WG, Leach JH

Influence of food size and food quantity on the feeding of the mussel dreissena polymorpha
1988 Oecologia 77:526-532
Sprung M, Rose U

Practical Manual for Zebra Mussel Monitoring and Control
1994 Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton 226p.
Claudi R, Mackie GL

Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control
1993 Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton 810p.
Nalepa TF, Schloesser DW

How non-native species in lake erie influence trophic transfer of mercury and lead to top predators
2007 J Great Lakes Res 33:46-61
Hogan LS, Marschall E, Folt C, Stein RA

Assessment of biopollution in aquatic ecosystems
2007 Marine Pollution Bulletin 55:379-394
Olenin S, Minchin D, Daunys D

towards a validation of a cellular biomarker suite in native and transplanted zebra mussels: a 2-year integrative field study of seasonal and pollution induced variations
2007 Aquatic Toxicology 81:377-388
Guerlet E, Ledy K, Meyer A, Giamberini L

Microcontaminant accumulation, physiological condition and bilateral asymmetry in zebra mussels (dreissena polymorpha) from clean and contaminated surface waters
2006 Aquatic Toxicology 79:213-225
Voets J, Talloen W, de Tender T, van Dongen S, Covaci A, Blust R, Bervoets L

New Evidences for old biomarkers: effects of several xenobiotics on EROD and AChE activities in zebra mussel
2006 Chemosphere 62:510-519
Binelli A, Ricciardi F, Riva C, Provini A

Differentiating copper and arsenic toxicity using biochemical biomarkers in zm
2006 Ecotox and Environ Saftey 65:342-349
Bouskill NJ, Handy RD, Ford TE, Galloway TS

Exposure of caged mussels to metals in a primary-treated municipal wastewater plume
2006 Chemosphere 62:998-1010
Gagnon C, Gagne F, Turcotte P, Saulnier I, Blaise C, Salazar MH, Salazar SM

Defining the bioaccumulation of PAC in mussels: considering time, distance and effects
2006 Polycyclic aromatic Compounds 26:1-16
Hellou J, Fermaut M, Leonard J

Impacts of microcystins on the feeding behaviour and energy balance of zebra mussels: a bioenergetics approach
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Histological changes and micronucleus induction in the zebra mussel after paraquat exposure
2006 Histol Histopathol 21:829-840
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Cadmium and zinc bioaccumulation and metallothionein response in two freshwater bivalves transplanted along a polymetallic gradient
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Metallothionein response to cadmium and zinc exposures compared in two freshwater bivalves
2006 BioMetals 19:399-407
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A pollution- monitoring pilot study involving contaminant and biomarker measurements in the seine estuary, france, using zebra mussels
2006 Environ Toxicol Chem 25(1):112-119
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Integrated use of biomarkers and bioaccumulation data in zebra mussel for site-specific quality assessment
2006 Biomarkers 11(5):428-448
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Use of transplanted zebra mussels to assess the bioavailability of microcontaminants in flemish surface waters
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DDT in zebra mussels from Lake Maggiore (n. Italy): level of contamination and endocrine disruptions
2004 Aquatic Toxicology 69:175-188
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Comparison of organochlorine contaminant levels in the zebra mussel versus its unionid attachment in the rideau river, ontario
2004 Water Qual Res J Canada 39(2):83-92
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Cellular energy allocation in zebra mussels exposed along a pollution gradient: linking cellular effects to higher levels of biological organization
2004 Environ Pollution 129:99-112
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Cadmium bioavailability and accumulation in the presence of humic acid to the zebra mussel
2004 Environ Sci Technol 38:1003-1008
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Bioaccumulation of lead, cadmium, and lindane in zebra mussels and associated risk for bioconcentration in tufted duck (Aythia fuligula)
2003 Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 71:90-97
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Metal contamination in zebra mussels along the st. lawrence river
2003 Environ Monitoring and Assessment 88:193-219
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A conceptual framework for using mussels as biomonitors in whole effluent toxicity
2003 Human Eco Risk Assess 9(3):741-760
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Histological effects of low atrazine concentration on zebra mussel
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Identification of differentially expressed genes in Dreissena polymorpha exposed to contaminants
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Transplanted zebra mussels as active biomonitors in an effluent-dominated river
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A comparison of methods for normalizing residue of organic contaminants in zebra mussels (dreissena polymorpha) with implications for biomonitoring programs
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Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and dioxinlike polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments and mussels at three sites in the lower great lakes, north america
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Potential for selective, controlled biofouling by zm to intercept pollutants from industrial effluents
2002 Biofouling 18(1):29-36
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Zebra Mussels (dreissena polymorpha) as indicators of freshwater contamination with Lindane
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Metal concentratiosn in zebra mussels and sediments from embayments and riverine environments of eastern lake erie, southern lake ontario and the niagara river
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Factors affecting the use of dreissena polymorpha as a bioindicator: the pcb pollution in lake Como italy
2001 Water, Air and Soil Pollution 125:19-32
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DDT contamination in Lake Maggiore and effects on zebra mussel spawning
2001 Chemosphere 45:409-415
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The influence of suspended particles on the acute toxicity of 2-chloro-4-nitro-aniline, cadmium and pentachlorophenol on the valve movement response of the zebra mussel
2001 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 40:497-504
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Use of zebra mussel to assess trace metal contamination in the largest Italian subalpine lakes
2001 Chemosphere 44:263-270
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Bioaccumulation of butyltins in Dreissena polymorpha at a confined placement facility in Buffalo, NY
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Temporal and spatial variability in the heavy-metal content of dreissena polymorpha from the kleines haff
2001 Hydrobiologia 443:137-145
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Different expression patterns of heat shock proteins hsp 60 and hsp 70 in zebra mussels exposed to copper and tributyltin
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Field testing a metal bioaccumulation model for zebra mussels
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2000 Environ Toxicol Chem 19(2):344-351
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Comparison of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and polychlorinated biphenyl dynamics in benthic invertebrates of lake erie, usa
2000 Environ Toxicol Chem 19(12):2943-2950
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Bioassessment of mercury, cadmium, polychlorinated biphenyls, and pesticides in the upper mississippi river with zebra mussels
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Absorption of hydrophobic contaminants from ingested chlamydomonas rheinhardtii and chlorella vulgaris by zebra mussels
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Rates and routes of trace element uptake in zebra mussels
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Modeling PCB bioaccumulation by the zebra mussel in saginaw bay, lake huron
1998 J Great Lakes Res 24(2):411-426
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Assimilation of contaminants from suspended sediment and algae by the zebra mussel
1998 Chemosphere 36(15):3181-3197
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Accumulation of heavy metals in freshwater molluscs
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Bioaccumulation of PAHs in the Zebra Mussel at times beach, buffalo, NY
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Uptake of nickel and zinc by the zebra mussel
1997 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 32:191-197
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Characterization of metallothionein-like proteins from zebra mussels
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Organophosphates in the zebra mussel: subacute exposure, body burdens and organ concentrations
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2006 Biological Invasions 8:475-489
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Introduction pathways, differential survival of adult and larval zebra mussels and possible management strategies in an adirondack lake, Lake George, NY
2005 Lake and Reservoir Management 21(4):391-402
Frischer ME, McGrath BR, Hansen AS, Vescio PA, Wyllie JA, Wimbush J, Nierzwicki-Bauer SA

Recruitment and distribution of dreissena polymorpha on substrates of different shape and orientation
2005 Internat Rev Hydrobiol 90(2):159-170
Kobak J

Variation in thermal tolerance among three mississippi river populations of the zebra mussel
2005 J Shellfish Res 24(1):221-226
Elderkin CL, Klerks PL

Secondary spread of zebra mussels in couples lake-stream systems
2005 Ecoscience 12(3):339-346
Bobeldyk AM, Bossenbrowk Jm, Evans-White MA, Lodge DM, Lamberti GA

The distribution and abundance of dreissena species in Lake Erie, 2002
2005 J Great Lakes Res 31(Suppl. 2):223-237
Patterson MWR, Ciborowski JJH, Barton DR

Range expansion of quagga mussels Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in the Volga River and Caspian Sea basin
2004 Aquatic Ecology 38: 561–573, 2004.
Orlova MI, Muirhead JI, Antonov PI, Shcherbina GK, Starobogatov YI, Biochino GI, Therriault TW and MacIsaac HJ

relative distributions of dreissena bugensis and dreissena polymorpha in the lower don river system, Russia
2004 Internat Rev Hydrobiol 89(3):326-333
Zhulidov AV, Pavlov DF, Nalepa TF, Scherbina GH, Zhulidov DA, Gurtovaya TY

physiological energetics of lake erie dreissenid mussels: a basis for the displacement of dreissena polymorpha by dreissena bugensis
2003 Can J fish Aquat Sci 60: 126-134
Stoeckmann A

Depth effects on zebra mussel reproduction
2003 Malacologia 45(1):109-120
Mantecca P, Vailati G, Garibaldi L, Bacchetta R

Predicting the impacts of an introduced species from its invasion history: an empirical approach applied to zebra mussel invasions
2003 Freshwater Biology 48:972-981
Ricciardi A

Dispersal and emerging ecological impacts of ponto-caspian species in the laurentian great lakes
2002 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 59:1209-1228
Vanderploeg HA, Nalepa TF, Jude DJ, Mills EL, Holeck KT, Leibig JR, Grigorovich IA, Ojaveer H

Coping with warmer, large rivers: a field experiment on potential range expansion of northern quagga mussels
2002 Freshwater Biology 47: 1779-1790
Thorp JH, Alexander JE, Cobbs GA

Comparative growth and feeding in zebra and quagga mussels: implications for North American Lakes
2002 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 59:680-694
Baldwin BS, Mayer MS, Dayton J, Pau N, Mendilla J, Sullivan M, Moore A, Ma A, Mills EL

Testing a new anti-zebra mussel coating with a multi-plate sampler: confounding factors and other fuzzy features
2002 Biofouling 18(1):1-12
de Lafontaine Y, Costan G, Delisle F

Invasions of onondaga Lake, NY by the zebra mussels following reduction in N pollution
2002 J N Am Benthol Society 21(4):634-650
Spada ME, Ringler NH, Effler SW, Matthews DA

a seasonal comparison of suspended sediment filtration by quagga and zebra mussels
2001 J Great Lakes Res 27(4)457-466
Diggins TP

Lake- wide distribution of Dreissena in Lake Michigan, 1999
2001 J Great Lakes Res 27(2):252-257
Fleischer GW, DeSorcie TJ, Holuszko JD

Overland dispersal of aquatic invasive species: a risk assessment of transient recreational boating
2001 Ecological Applications 11(6):1789-1799
Johnson LE, Ricciardi A, Carlton JT

Regional differences in rates and patterns of North American inland lake invasions by zebra mussels
2000 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 57:993-1001
Kraft CE, Johnson LE

Predicted impact of zebra mussel invasion on water clarity in Lake Mendota
2000 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 57:1617-1626
Reed-Andersen T, Carpenter SR, Padilla DK, Lathrop RC

Chemistry of the offshore surface waters of Lake Erie: Pre- and Post-Dreissena introduction (1983-1993)
2000 J Great Lakes Res 26(1):82-93
Makarewicz JC, Bertram P, Lewis TW

Variation in growth rates of the zebra mussel within Lake Wawasee
2000 Freshwater Biology 45:443-451
Garton DW, Johnson LE

Substrate selection by settling zebra mussels relative to material, texture, orientation, and sunlight
2000 Can J Zool 78:787-793
Marsden JE, Lansky DM

Changes in the dreissenid community in the lower great lakes with emphasis on southern lake ontario
1999 J Great Lakes Res 25(1):187-197
Mills EL, Chrisman JR, Baldwin B, Owens RW, Ogorman R, Howell R, Roseman EF, Raths MK

Growth and mortality rates of the zebra mussel in the lower mississippi river
1999 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 56:748-759
Allen YC, Thompson BA, Ramcharan CW

Differences in siphonal anatomy between dreissena polymorpha and bugensis in lake ontario
1999 Am Midl Nat 141:402-405
Smith DG

rapid increase and subsequent decline of zebra and quagga mussels in long point bay, lake erie: possible influence of waterfowl predation
1999 j great lakes res 25(4):772-782
Petrie SA, Knapton RW

sources of bias in the use of shell fragments to estimate the size of zebra and quagga mussels
1999 Can J Zoology 77:910-916
Mitchell JS, Bailey RC, Knapton RW

Zebra mussel seasonal colonization patterns in a sub-tropical floodplain river
1999 Hydrobiologia 392:121-128
Mihuc TB, Battle JM, Mihuc JR, Bryan CF

Dreissenidae in lake ontario: impact assessment at the whole lake and bay of quinte spatial scales
1999 j great lakes res 25(3): 482-491
Bailey RC, Grapentine L, Stewart TJ, Schaner T, Chase ME, Mitchell JS, Coulas RA

Effect of velocity on the filter feeding of dreissenid mussels implication for trophic dynamics
1999 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 56:1551-1561
Ackerman JD

Mortality of zebra mussel veligers during downstream transport
1999 Freshwater Biology 42:69-76
Horvath TG, Lamberti GA

Seston quality controls zebra mussel energetics in turbid rivers
1998 Oecologia 117:331-341
Schneider DW, Madon SP, Stoeckel JA, Sparks RE

Upper pH tolerance limit of the zebra mussel
1998 Can J Zool 76:2119-2123
Bowman MF, Bailey RC

Distinguising the dark falsemussel, Mytilopsis leucophaeata (conrad, 1831) from the non-indigenous zebra and quagga mussel, dreissena using spermatozoan external morphology
1998 The Veliger 41(2):205-211
Denson DR, Wang SY

Tributary water quality feedback from the spread of zebra mussels: oswego river, new york
1998 J Great Lakes Res 24(2):453-463
Effler SW, Seigfried C

Factors limiting colonization of western new york creeks by the zebra mussel
1997 J Freshwater Ecology 12(1):81-88
Miller SJ, Haynes JM

A seasonal energy budget for zebra mussels in western lake erie
1997 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 54:2743-2751
Stoeckmann AM, Garton DW

deepwater population structure and reproductive state of quagga mussels in lake erie
1997 can j fish aquat sci 54: 2428-2433
Roe SL, MacIsaac HJ

Zebra mussel invasion in a large, turbid river: phytoplankton response to increased grazing
1997 Ecology 78(2):588-602
Caraco NF, Cole JJ, Raymond PA, Strayer DL, Pace ML, Findlay EG, Fischer DT

Longitudinal patterns in abundance of the zebra mussel in the upper mississippi river
1997 J Freshwater Ecology 12(2):235-238
Cope WG, Bartsch MR, Hayden RR

Drifting macrophytes as a mechanism for zebra mussel invasion of lake-outlet streams
1997 Am Midl Nat 138(1):29-36
Horvath TG, Lamberti GA

Physiological aspects of zebra mussel reproduction: maturation, spawning and fertilization
1996 Amer Zool 36:326-338
Ram JL, Fong PP, Garton DW

Laboratory culture of zebra and quagga mussel larvae using estuaring algae
1996 J Great Lakes Res 22(1):46-54
Wright DA, Setzler-Hamilton EM, Magee JA, Harvey HR

Occurrence of zebra mussel in the oligohaline hudson river, ny
1996 Estuaries 19(3):612-618
Walton WC

Comparative morphology of zebra and quagga mussel sperm: light and electron microscopy
1996 Can J Zool 74:809-815
Walker GK, Black MG, Edwards CA

Arrival, spread, and early dynamics of a zebra mussel population in the hudson river estuary
1996 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 53:1143-1149
Strayer DL, Powell J, Amrose P, Smith LC, Pace ML, Fischer DT

Introduction: the biology, ecology and physiology of zebra mussels
1996 Amer Zool 36:239-243
Ram JL, McMahon RF

Abundance of Dreissena polymorpha and dreissena bugensis in a warmwater plume: effects of depth and temperature
1996 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 53:1705-1712
Mitchell JS, Bailey RC, Knapton RW

A review of the biology and ecology of the quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis), a second species of freshwater dreissenid introduced to North America.
1996 Am. Zool., 36:271–286.

Comparative biology of zebra mussels in europe and north american an overview
1996 Amer Zool 36:244-258
Mackie GL, Schloesser DW

Geographic spread of exotic species: ecological lessons and opportunities from the invasion of the zebra mussel
1996 Biol Conservation 78:23-33
Johnson LE, Padilla DK

Post-establishment spread in large-scale invasions: dispersal mechanisms of the zebra mussel dreissena polymorpha
1996 Ecology 77(6):1686-1690
Johnson LE, Carlton JT

Zebra mussel dispersal in Lake-stream systems: Source sink dynamics?
1996 J N Am Benthol Soc 15(4):564-575
Horvath TG, Lamberti GA, Lodge DM, Perry WL

Attachment strength of zebra mussels on natural, polymeric, and metallic materials
1996 J Environ Engineering 122(2):141-148
Ackerman JD, Cottrell CM, Ethier CR, Allen DG, Spelt JK

Gill structure in zebra mussels bacterial sized particle filtration
1996 Amer Zool 36:373-384
Silverman H, Lynn JW, Achberger EC, Dietz TH

Dreissena polymorpha in the saginaw bay, lake huron ecosystem: overview and perspective
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):411-416
Nalepa TF, Fahnenstiel GL

Absence of naturally occurring hybridization between the quagga mussel and the zebra mussel in the lower great lakes
1995 Can J Zool 73:400-403
Spidle AP, Mills EL, May B

comparative growth and survival of dreissena polymorpha and dreissena bugensis exotic molluscs introducted to the great lakes
1994 j great lakes res 20(4):783-790
MacIsaac HJ

A bibliography of dreissena polymorpha in europe and russian waters:1964-1993
1994 J Shellfish Res 13(1):243-267
Schloesser DW, de Vaate AB, Zimmerman A

Identification of larvae: the zebra mussel, quagga mussels and asian clam
1994 Can J Zool 72:406-417
Nichols SJ, Black MG

The "dreissena-monitor" first results on the application of this biological early warning system in the continuous monitoring of water quality
1994 Wat Sci Tech 29(3):199-201
Borcherding J, Volpers M

A review of the early life history of zebra mussels: comparisons with marine bivalves
1994 Can J Zool 72:1169-1179
Ackerman JD, Sim B, Nichols SJ, Claudi R

Osmoregulation in Dreissena polymorpha: the importance of Na, cl, k and particularly Mg
1994 Biol Bull 187:76-83
Dietz TH, Lessard D, Silverman H, Lynn JW

Physiological and taxonomic separation of two dreissenid mussels in the laurentian great lakes
1993 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 50:2294-2297
Domm S, McCauley RW, Kott E, Ackerman JD

Impact of the zebra mussel, a bivalve invader
1993 BioScience 43(8):533-544
Ludyanskiy ML, McDonald D, MacNeill D

colonization, ecology and population structure of the quagga mussel in the lower great lakes
1993 Can J Fish Aqaut Sci 50:2305-2314
Mills EL, Dermott RM, Roseman EF, Dustin D, Mellina E, Conn DB, Spidle AP

Comparative shell morphology of dreissena polymorpha, mytilopsis leucophaeata and the quagga mussel
1993 N. Am Can J Zool 71:1012-1023
Pathy DA, Mackie GL

Synchronous spawning in a recently established population of the zebra mussel in western lake erie
1992 Hydrobiologia 234:103-110
Haag WR, Garton DW

Standard protocols for monitoring and sampling zebra mussels
1992 Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 138 40pp
Marsden JE

Models to predict potential occurrence and density of the zebra mussel
1992 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 49:2611-2620
Ramcharan CW, Padilla DK, Dodson SI

Projected distribution of the zebra mussel in north america
1991 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 48:1389-1395
Strayer DL

Mussels in diet
Contaminants in lesser and greater scaup staging on the lower great lakes
2007 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 52:580-589
Petrie SA, Badzinski SS, Drouillard KG

Chromium and selenium in invertebrate prey of lesser scaup
2007 J Wildlife Management 71(3):778-782
Weegman MD, Weegman MM

Evaluation of potentially nonlethal sampling methods for monitoring mercury concentrations in smallmouth bass
2007 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 53:84-95
Schmitt CJ, Brumbaugh WG

Fish predation of zebra mussels attached to quadrula quadrula and benthic molluscs in a great lakes coastal wetland
2007 Wetlands 27(1):203-208
Bowers RW, de Szalay FA

Temporal trends of young-of-year fishes in lake erie and comparison of diel sampling periods
2007 Environ Monit Assess 129:169-178
Stapanian MA, Bur MT, Adams JV

Diets of lesser and greater scaup during autumn and spring on the lower great lakes
2006 Wildlife Soc Bull 34(3):664-674
Badzinski SS, Petrie SA

Zebra and quagga mussels and other prey of a lake erie population of common map turtles
2006 Copeia 2:268-273
Lindeman PV

Feeding ecology of lake whitefish in lake huron
2006 J Great Lakes Res 32:489-501
Pothoven SA, Nalepa TF

Summer food habits of pumpkinseeds and bluegills in presque isle bay, lake erie
2005 J Great Lakes Res 31:397-404
Andraso GM

Strong effects of predation by fishes on an invasive macroinvertebrate in a large floodplain river
2005 J N Am Benthol Soc 24(1):168-177
Bartsch MR, Bartsch LA, Gutreuter S

Are current contaminant concentrations in eggs and breeding female lesser scaup of concern?
2005 The Condor 107:50-61
Fox GA, MacCluskie MC, Brook RW

Autumn diet of greater scaup, lesser scaup, and long-tailed ducks on eastern lake ontario prior to zebra mussel invasion
2005 Wildlife Soc Bull 33(1):81-91
Ross RK, Petrie SA, Badzinski SS, Mullie A

Strong impact of wintering waterbirds on zebra mussel populations at lake constance germany
2005 Freshwater Biology 50:1412-1426
Werner S, Mortl M, Bauer HG, Rothhaupt KO

Food habits of lesser scaup occupying baitfish aquaculture facilities in Arkansas
2004 J World Aquaculture Soc 35(1):70-77
Wooten DE, Werner SJ

Distribution of mercury in the tissues of five species of freshwater fish from Lake Mead, USA
2003 J Environ Monit 5:802-807
Cizdziel J, Hinners T, Cross C, Pollard J

Mercury concentrations in fish from lake mead, USA related to fish size, condition, trphic level, location and consumption risk
2002 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 43:309-317
Cizdziel JV, Hinners TA, Pollard JE, Heithmar EM, Cross CL

Zebra mussels habitat alteration and yellow perch foraging: system-wide effects and behavioural mechanisms
2001 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 58:2459-2467
Mayer CM, Rudstam LG, Mills EL, Cardiff SG, Bloom CA

Organochlorine and trace element contamination in wintering and migrating diving ducks in the southern great lakes, USA since the zebra mussel invasion
2000 Environ Toxicol Chem 19(11):2821-2892
Custer CM, Custer TW

effects of predation by fish and wintering ducks on dreissenid mussels at Nanticoke, Lake Erie
2000 Ecoscience
Mitchell JS, Bailey RC, Knapton RW

Influence of feeding habits on organochlorine contaminant accumulation in waterfowl on the great lakes
1997 Ecological Applications 7(4):1133-1143
Mazak EJ, MacIsaac HJ, Servos MR, Hesslein R

Food habits of diving ducks in the great lakes after the zebra mussel invasion
1996 J Field Ornithol 67(1):86-99
Custer CM, Custer TW

Predation on zebra mussels by captive-reared map turtles
1995 Can J Zool 73:2238-2243
Serrouya R, Ricciardi A, Whoriskey FG

Predation of zebra mussels by diving ducks: an exclosure study
1994 Ecology 75(2):521-531
Hamilton DJ, Ankney CD, Bailey RC

Short-term reduction of adult zebra mussels in the hudson river near catskill, new york: an effect of juvenile blue crab predation?
1994 J Shellfish Res 13(2):367-371
Molloy DP, Powell J, Ambrose P

Lesser scaup forage on zebra mussels at cook nuclear plant, michigan
1993 J Field Ornithol 64(2):219-222
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Do Reservoirs facilitate invasions into landscapes?
2005 BioScience 55(6):518-525
Havel JE, Lee CE, vander Zanden MJ

The potential of zebra mussels as a model for invasion ecology
2005 Amer Malac Bull 20:123-131
Padilla DK

War of the invaders: a comparison of energy allocation in zebra and quagga mussels
2005 National Shellfisheries Association Abstracts 677-678
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Predicting the spread of zebra mussels to inland waters using boater movement patterns
1996 Global Ecology Biogeography Letters 5(6):353-359
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Attitudes of 1990, 1991 and 1992 mid-america boat show and 1991 fairport fishing symposium patrons concerning the zebra mussel, lake erie and great lakes pollution
1993 J Great Lakes Res 19(1):129-135
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Water Quality
Do zebra mussels alter lake water chemistry in a way that favours microcystis growth?
2006 Sci Total Environ 371:362-372
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Ten years of practical experience with the dreissena-monitor, a biological early warning system for continuous water quality monitoring
2006 Hydrobiologia 556:417-426
Borcherding J

Water quality impacts and indicators of metabolic activity of the zebra mussel invasion of the seneca river
2004 JAWRA 40(3):737-754
Effler SW, Matthews DA, Brooks-Matthews CM, Perkins M, Siegfried CA, Hassett JM

Modeling zebra mussel impacts on water quality of seneca river, NY
2002 J Environ Engineering 128(12):1158-1168
Canale RP, Chapra SC

A river water quality model for chlorophyll and dissolved oxygen that accommodates zebra mussel metabolism
2000 Water Qual Ecosystem Modeling 1:271-309
Gelda RK, Effler SW

Filtration and excretion by zebra mussels: implication for water quality impacts in Lake Pepin, upper mississippi river
2000 J Freshwater Ecology 15(4):429-437
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Nutrient regeneration by the zebra mussel
1997 J Freshwater Ecol 12:209-216
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Impact of zebra mussel invasion on river water quality
1996 Water Environ Res 68(2):205-214
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Effects of zebra mussel colonization on water quality parameters in saginaw bay, lake huron
1995 J Great Lakes Res 21(4):435-448
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Trends in nutrient concentrations in Hatchery Bay, Bass Island Area, western Lake Erie, before and after dreissena polymorpha
1995 Can J Fish Aquat Sci 53:1202-1209
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Changes in planktonic diatoms and water transparency in Hatchery Bay, Bass Island Area, western Lake Erie since the establishment of the zebra mussel
1993 J Great Lakes Res 19:617-624
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Zebra mussels: a new perspective for water quality management
1990 Hydrobiologia 200/201:437-450
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The filtration rate of dreissena polymorpha in three dutch lakes with reference to biological water quality management
1989 Freshwater Biology 22:133-141
Reeders HH, de Vaate AB, Slim FJ

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