Press Release

Rep. Scott Joins in Introducing Small Business Bills

Washington, Sep 28, 2011 - Congressman David Scott recently joined with members of the Blue Dog Coalition to introduce the Blue Dog Small Business Package. This package consists of three bills that would provide resources that small businesses could use to access capital, grow their operations, and increase employment.

“The only way to turn this economy around is for more jobs to be created,” said Rep. Scott. “As an entrepreneur with an MBA from the Wharton School of Finance, I know that small businesses will lead the way in private-sector job growth. That is why Congress must stop the petty fighting and focus on helping small businesses succeed."

Specifically, the Blue Dog Small Business Package consists of three bills that promote job growth in America by providing small businesses with increased access to capital through streamlined approval processes, lower interest rates on SBAEXPRESS loans, increased access to government contracts, as well as the opportunity to lock in long-term, stable financing. Click here to learn more about the legislation.


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