Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL

Specifications of the FIE-TAX Instrument

Beam Spectrum: Thermal
Monochromator: PG(002) double crystal
Monochromator angle: M = 41.3° Ei = 14.64 meV
Analyzers: PG(002) Be(101) Be(002) Si(111) Ge(111)
Sample angles: 0° < Ψ < 360°
Scattering angle: -5 to 135°
Analyzer angles: -60° < 2ΘA < 120°
Collimations (FWHM): C1: open (48′ effective)
C2: open (40′ effective) (30′, 20′, 10′)
C3: 40′, 30′, 20′,10′ (sample-analyzer)
C4: 34′, 68′, 136′ (analyzer-detector)
Beam Size: 40 × 150 mm max
Filters: Sapphire pre-Monochromator
2 HOPG (λ / 2 ≈ 10-4λ) located between
M-1 and M-2 and after M-2
Flux at sample: ~2 × 107 n/cm2/s (est.)