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Reports by Topic: Export and Trade Development

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Export and Trade Development

Assessing the Impact of Trade Liberalization on Import-Competing Industries in the Appalachian Region
July 2005
Bernard, Andrew B., J. Bradford Jensen, and Peter K. Schott
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and NBER, Institute for International Economics, and Yale School of Management and NBER
This report details the significant pressure Appalachian manufacturing will face from import competition over the near and medium term and the relatively larger industrial and community adjustments that the Region faces compared to the rest of the US.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (600 KB)
Population Growth and Distribution in Appalachia: New Realities
January 2005
Pollard, Kelvin M.
Population Reference Bureau
Using data from the decennial census and selected other sources, this report examines Appalachia's population trends between 1990 and 2000.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (1.7 MB)
Analysis of Global Competitiveness of Selected Industries and Clusters in the Appalachian Region
November 2004
Jack Faucett Associates and Economic Development Research Group
Report #1 in a series of transportation and trade studies of the Appalachian Region
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (4 MB)
Exports, Competitiveness, and Synergy in Appalachian Industry Clusters
February 1997
Rosenfeld, Stuart A.
Regional Technology Strategies, Inc.
This report analyzes seven industry sectors pre-selected by the Appalachian Regional Commission on the basis of their importance to the region's economy and export potential.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (4 MB)