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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Amendment 80 - Economic Data Report

Last updated: 03/30/11

Requirements for the Amendment 80 Non-AFA Trawl Gear Catcher/Processor Sector

An Economic Data Report (EDR) is required from any person who held an Amendment 80 Quota Share (QS) permit during the previous calendar year. An EDR must be submitted for each Amendment 80 QS permit held by a person. The annual EDR submission deadline is June 1.

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) has been designated by NMFS to be the Data Collection Agent (DCA) for the Amendment 80 EDR program. PSMFC mails EDR announcements and filing instructions to Amendment 80 QS permit holders by April 1. You may also use the web based EDR form or download an the EDR form in fillable PDF format. To request that a printed EDR be mailed to you, please call 1-877-741-8913, or email your request to am80edr@psmfc.org.

  • EDR Online Form (web form) NEW!
  • EDR Form (PDF file)
  • NOTE that the Amendment 80 regulations published at 50 CFR 679.94 direct EDR submitters to mail or fax completed EDR forms to the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. The updated submission address and fax number are listed below in the Contact Information section.

Contact Information

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
NMFS Economic Data Reports
205 SE Spokane St., Suite 100
Portland, OR 97202
PH: (877) 741-8913
FX: (503) 595-3450
Email: am80edr@psmfc.org

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