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Welcome to the NASA Data Center for Aerosol Data & Information Web Site at the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). The purpose of this on-line information center is to enhance the support services we provide to our aerosol research and application community. We've provided a number of resources here to help you in your research and application.

This page is the result of the NASA GES DISC's ongoing effort to create a "One Stop Web Portal" to provide quick, convenient and easy access to aerosol data and information for the research and science education communities.

At this portal, we have tried to accumulate, integrate and provide fast access the aerosol measurements from the various satellite, ground-based and other platforms. We have also included some simple analysis and visualization tools for aerosol data from some of the NASA satellite missions.

Aerosols are one of the greatest sources of uncertainty in climate modeling. Aerosols vary in time and space and can lead to variations in cloud microphysics, which could impact cloud radiative properties and climate. The aerosol products are used to study aerosol climatology, sources and sinks of specific aerosol types (e.g., sulfates and biomass-burning aerosol), interaction of aerosols with clouds, and atmospheric corrections of remotely sensed surface reflectance over the land.

This page is organized to help you find aerosol related data and information quickly and easily.

Latest News

Users frequently request data for a particular season.  Data recipes at the NASA GES DISC instruct users on how to perform this and many other procedures with data services and tools.
Jan 17, 2013 - ‘Data Recipes’ for accessing and working with data at the NASA GES DISC

Step-by-step examples describe how to get the data scientists and other users need

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The impact of dust on the Mediterranean Basin is just one of many subjects researched with the aid of the Giovanni data visualization and analysis system.    (MODIS Terra image, February 25, 2006, courtesy NASA Visible Earth).
Jan 15, 2013 - Giovanni publication count for 2012 exceeds previous year

Broad diversity of uses for NASA data visualization and analysis tool seen in most recent compilation

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The increasing number of journal papers describing research using Giovanni indicates many scientists find it a useful tool for working with NASA Earth science data.
Jan 14, 2013 - Second December 2012 issue of The Giovanni News now online

Online workshop proceedings, Aerosol Express portal featured in year-end issue

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Charles Ichoku of GSFC used Giovanni in reseach on the linkages between environmental processes and drought in sub-Saharan Africa
Dec 31, 2012 - Now online: Proceedings of the 2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop

Research utilizing Giovanni was the focus of unique international Internet meeting

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Products & services for Version 7 of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission data were discussed in a presentation by GES DISC staff at the AGU 2012 Fall Meeting.  This Giovanni image of V7 TRMM data shows heavy rainfall over northwestern South America.
Dec 21, 2012 - Special December 2012 issue of The Giovanni News available online

Issue provides summaries of NASA GES DISC staff presentations about Giovanni at AGU 2012 Fall Meeting

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NASA Official: Steve Kempler
Website Curator: M Hegde
Last updated: Jan 18, 2013 04:37 PM ET