Argonne National Laboratory Environmental Science Division (EVS)
Advancing informed environmental decision making
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Argonne National Laboratory is operated for the United States Department of Energy (DOE) by the University of Chicago.

In addition to the DOE, almost all of EVS's customers are governmental agencies (federal, state, and international) or not-for-profit research institutions. Under special circumstances where specific EVS capabilities are required, EVS can assist private sector entities. Arrangements to assist non-DOE customers are conveniently made through DOE's well-established Work-for-Others (WFO) program.

Details concerning contracting and funding arrangements can be provided by the EVS staff technical contact or email:
Staff Photo  Jack Ditmars
Staff Photo  David Gartman

EVS Clients

The Environmental Science Division has supported environmental activities at the headquarters, command, and installation or facility levels. Examples of sponsors of completed and on-going EVS projects include:

Department of Energy
   Defense Programs
   Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
   Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
   Energy Information
   Environmental Management
   Fossil Energy
   Nuclear Energy, Science, and Technology
   Nonproliferation and National Security
   Environmental, Safety, and Health
   Civilian Radioactivity Waste Management
   Power Marketing Administrations
   National Environmental Training Organization

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   Nuclear Regulatory Research
   Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards

Department of Defense
      Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
      Army Environmental Center
      Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
      Corps of Engineers
      Defense Ammunition Center
      Developmental Test Command
      Joint Munitions Command
      Soldier, Biological and Chemical Command

   Air Force
      Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence
      Air Force Materiel Command
      Space Command
      Pacific Air Force

      Civil Engineer Corps Officer School
      Naval Facilities Command

Department of Interior
   Bureau of Land Management
   Bureau of Reclamation
   Fish and Wildlife Service
   Minerals Management Service
   National Park Service

Department of Agriculture
   United States Forest Service
   Commodity Credit Corporation

Department of Commerce
   Economic Development Agency

Department of Health and Human Services
   United States Public Health Service

Department of Transportation
   Federal Highway Administration

Environmental Protection Agency
   Office of the Administrator (Reinvention Office)
   Office of International Affairs
   Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
   Office of Air and Radiation

National Science Foundation
   Office of Polar Programs

State Governments

Non-profit Research Institutions
   East-West Center (University of Hawaii)
   Research Institute for Industrial Science and Technology (Korea)
   Ground Water Protection Council
   National Environmental Policy Institute

For information regarding employment opportunities in the Environmental Science Division and elsewhere at Argonne National Laboratory, visit Argonne's Human Resources site. There you can search weekly job postings and submit your resume.


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