OIG: Office of Inspector General
Current Section
Key Personnel

  • Inspector General, Kathleen S. Tighe

  • Deputy Inspector General, Mary Mitchelson

  • Chief of Staff, Teresa Clark

  • Assistant Inspector General for Audit, Patrick Howard

  • Assistant Inspector General for Investigation, William Hamel

  • Assistant Inspector General for Information Technology Audits and Computer Crime Investigations, Charles E. Coe, Jr.

  • Counsel to the Inspector General, Marta Erceg

  • Assistant Inspector General for Evaluation, Inspection, and Management, Wanda Scott

  • Executive Officer, Teresa Clark

  • Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit, TBD

  • Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigation, Lester Fernandez

  • Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Information Technology Audits and Computer Crime Investigations, Sherri Demmel

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Last Modified: 04/04/2012