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Carbon Storage
Core R&D
The Core Research and Development (Core R&D) focuses on developing new carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to a pre-commercial demonstration level. The Core R&D Element includes four technical focus areas: (1) Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting (MVA); (2) Geologic Storage; (3) Simulation and Risk Assessment; and (4) CO2 Utilization.

In addition, the Core R&D Element includes University Geologic Sequestration Training Projects funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) These projects focus on providing education and training activities to aid in the development of a future generation of geologists, scientists, and engineers that will provide the human capital and skills required for the implementation and deployment of large-scale CCS.

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Core R&D

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The Core R&D Element is implemented through: (1) cost-shared cooperative agreements and grants with industry and academic institutions; (2) field work research at other national laboratory complexes; and (3) research at NETL's Office of Research and Development (ORD). NETL conducts onsite research that provides the scientific basis for carbon storage options through its Geological and Environmental Systems and Energy Systems Dynamics research focus areas.

Overall, these efforts aim to demonstrate a portfolio of safe, cost-effective technologies to separate, capture, transport, and store carbon using either direct or indirect systems that result in less than a 10 percent increase in the cost of electricity. By 2015, the program is expected to have developed methodology capable of:

  • Predicting a CO2 storage resource estimate in geologic formations to within plus or minus 30 percent accuracy.
  • Validating GHG capture, storage, and mitigation technologies that will be ready for commercial-scale demonstration and eventual market deployment.

The map below provides access to factsheets for all of the active projects under the Core R&D Element.

Core R&D Project Location Map
Click on the individual state to view the ongoing projects within that state. Click on individual projects within each state to view detailed project information.
  States that have active projects   States that have no active projects
  under the Core R&D Element.   under the Core R&D Element.
Four technical focus areas under the Core R&D Element:
CO2 Utilization Simulation & Risk Assessment  
Geologic Storage Monitoring, Verification & Accounting (MVA)

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