United States Department of Veterans Affairs
MIRECC Centers

South Central MIRECC - Consumer Advisory Board



South Central MIRECC Consumer Advisory Board


Members of the 2012-2013 South Central MIRECC Advisory Board 


The mission of the SC MIRECC Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) is to advise the SC MIRECC and the VISN 16 Mental Health Product Line (MHPL) on the development of educational programs and improvement of clinical services to benefit Veterans. The CAB also educates Veterans, consumers and their families about SC MIRECC and MHPL accomplishments.

The CAB is made up of 15 members from the following areas:

  • Veteran Organizations
  • Consumers
  • VISN 16 Leaders
  • VA Medical Center Managers
  • VA Medical Center Front Line Providers
  • National Alliance for Mental Illness
  • Public Health Leadership

For more information about the CAB, or to get CAB feedback about new or ongoing projects and education or research products, contact the CAB coordinator, LaKiesha Kemp at LaKiesha.Mitchell@va.gov or the director at Patricia.Dubbert@va.gov.



Information about the SC MIRECC CAB

CAB Member Ray Wodynski Receives Texas DAR Volunteer of the Year Award
Interview with CAB Director Patricia Dubbert, Ph.D.
Download CAB Fact Sheet

Homeless Veterans 

VA Homeless Veterans Website

Health Care
Mental Health Services
Housing Assistance
Employment Programs

 HUD Veterans Resource Center

Veterans Job Bank
HUD Homeless Veterans Assistance
State and Local HUDVET Resources 

Department of Labor Veterans' Employment and Training Service

Veterans and Caregivers

SC MIRECC Veterans and Caregivers Webpage