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Teresa R Bailey

Phone: 4-9233


JPL StoriesJPL Stories

A quarterly series usually scheduled for Wednesdays at 4:30 in the BEACON Information Commons/Hub, 111-104.

Next Story:

December 12th, 2012 at 4:30pm
Rob Manning, MSL Chief Engineer, will present “MSL Getting Back on the Horse”. MSL’s Curiosity Rover landed August 5th, 2012 and has slowly, but steadily, begun to achieve the scientific investigation capability that the MSL team endowed it with. Rob will describe his thoughts on why, despite incessant problems and failures, MSL ultimately found itself on the road to success. How rough was this road compared with other missions? What if MSL did not succeed? What is MSL’s prognosis for future success? How did MSL’s success (so far) compare with other recent Mars landed missions? Will we be able to take the best of what we learned on MSL and productively “pay it forward” to future missions?

View Past Stories

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a JPL Story?
An informal talk about a JPL project or series of event, usually giving a personal perspective or reminiscence about the experience.
Who are the storytellers?
Any JPL employee that has an interesting story to tell about his or her JPL experience.
What is the format of a JPL Story?
We try to keep the program as flexible as possible and include a cross section of storytellers from the JPL community. Stories can take place in the past, present or future; they can be historical or make believe; and they can be light-hearted or serious.
What is the purpose of the JPL Story Program?
They’re an effective way to communicate and understand an organization’s culture and can help employees develop a sense of organizational identity. Stories offer an approach different from the more formal lectures, seminars and town halls we have at JPL – they offer another way to be a part of the discussion.
Are the stories recorded?
With the storyteller’s permission, we make a videorecording of each story. These are available for viewing from Teresa Bailey, x4-9233,
How can I participate? Please contact Teresa Bailey at ext. 4-9233