Argonne National Laboratory
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
Nuclear Engineering Division at Argonne
U.S. Department of Energy

Home  :: 2010 International RERTR Meeting  :: Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 2010 RERTR Meeting

RERTR 2010

Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the Meeting

The “32nd RERTR 2010 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors” was held in Lisbon, Portugal from October 10-14, 2010. The available abstracts and papers that were presented at this meeting are provided below.

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Welcome to Portugal and RERTR-2010

  • Prof. Júlio Montalvão e Silva
    Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear

Global HEU Minimization Efforts

  • International Atomic Energy Agency
    Tero Varjoranta
    Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology
  • United States
    Kenneth Baker
  • Russian Federation
    Ivan Kamenskikh

Overview of International Conversion Programs

  • S1-P1 Russian-Designed Research Reactor Conversions
    N. Arkhangelskiy
  • S1-P2 New IAEA Activities in Support of HEU Minimization
    P. Adelfang, K. Alldred, E. Bradley, C. Morris, R. Sollychin
  • S1-P3 Progress and Status of European Research Reactor Conversions
    J. Marques
  • S1-P4Furthering HEU Minimization Through Conversions
    C. Landers
  • S1-P5 Status of Reduced Enrichment Program for Research Reactors in Japan
    K. Ohki, T. Inoue, H. Unesaki
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 79KB]
  • S1-P6 Who Needs HEU Anyway? The Effect of Research Reactor Conversion on Reactor Usage
    F. Dalnoki-Veress

Recent International HEU Minimization Milestones

International Perspectives on Fuel Development

  • S3-P1 US Progress in LEU Fuel Development
    D. Wachs
  • S3-P2 Development of High Density LEU Fuel for Research Reactors
    A. Vatulin
  • S3-P3 Recent Activity of the International Fuel Development Working Group
    W. Petry
  • S3-P4 LEONIDAS UMo Dispersion Fuel Qualification Program: Progress and Prospects
    F. Frery, H. Guyon, E. Koonen, S. Van Den Berghe, P. Lemoine, F. Charollais, C. Jarousse, D. Geslin
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 1.1MB]

Conversion Experience and Planning

Fuel Development - PIE Results

Fuel Development Poster Session

  • S6-P1 Co-Rolling Process Development for Production of Zr Coated U-10Mo Alloy Foils
    D. Hammon, K. Clarke, A. Clarke, D. Alexander, A. Kelly
  • S6-P2 Scale-Up of the HIP Bonding Process for Aluminum Clad – LEU Reactor Fuel
    J. Katz, K. Clarke, B. Aikin, V. Vargas, A. Kelly, D. Dombrowski
  • S6-P3 Plasma Sprayed and Electrospark Deposited Zirconium Metal Diffusion Barrier Coatings
    K. Hollis, M. Pena
  • S6-P4 An Influence of Porosity Development in U-Mo Fuel Particles on the Performance of U-Mo/Al Dispersion Fuel
    O. Golosov, S. Аverin, V. Panchenko, M. Lyutikova
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 785KB]
  • S6-P5 Determination of Crystalline Phases in the Uranium Silicide by X-ray Diffraction
    C. Kniess, E. de Carvalho, M. Durazzo, A.Saliba-Silva, L. Prestes, H. Riella
  • S6-P6 Microstructural Development During Irradiation of AFIP-1 Fuel Plates
    D. Keiser, Jr., J-F Jue, A. Robinson
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 3.7MB]
  • S6-P7 Gamma Decomposition and Powder Formation of γ-U/8Mo Nuclear Fuel
    V. de Oliveira, U. de Carvalho, H. Riella
  • S6-P8 In-Situ X-ray Diffraction Study of the U(Mo)/Si Solid State Reaction
    A. Leenaers and S. Van den Berghe, W. Knaepen, C. Detavernier
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 2.9MB]
  • S6-P9 Spatially Resolved Strain Fields in RERTR Fuel Plates
    M. Okuniewski, P. Medvedev, H. Ozaltun, J-F Jue, B. Rabin, G. Moore, B. Park, D. Brown, L. Balogh, J. A. Neal, J. Terry, D. Olive, Y. Trenikhina, S. Chattopadhyay, T. Shibata, H. Ganegoda, J. Okasinski, S. Seifert
  • S6-P10 Studies on Hot Rolled Interdiffusion Pair U-10Mo/AA1050
    A. Saliba-Silva, I. Martins, E. De Carvalho, M. Durazzo, H. Riella
  • S6-P11 Quantitative Determination of Crystalline Phases in the U3Si2 Dispersion-Type Fuel Plates by the Rietveld Method
    C. Kniess, B. Aguiar, E. Carvalho, H. Riella, W. Ferraz
  • S6-P12 The OSU Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test Facility: Standard Fuel Element Testing
    W. Marcum, B. Woods, A. Phillips, R. Ambrosek, J. Wiest
  • S6-P13 Remelting and Thermal Treatment to Homogenate U-Zr-Nb and U-Nb Alloy
    B. Aguiar, C. Kniess, H. Riella, W. Ferraz
  • S6-P14 Uranium - Molybdenum Fuel Foil Fabrication Activities at the Y-12 National Security Complex
    H. Longmire, J. Gooch, A. DeMint, J. Morrell, V. Belt

Mo-99 International Production Development

High-Performance Reactor Conversion

  • S8-P1 LEU Conversion Activities at the MIT Research Reactor: Use of Neutronic Models for Safety Analyses
    T. Newton, Jr., N. Horelik, P. Romano, B. Forget, E. Pilat, E. Wilson, J. Stevens, A. Bergeron, and B. Dionne
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 221KB]
  • S8-P2 The University of Missouri Research Reactor HEU to LEU Fuel Conversion Project Status
    J. C. McKibben, K. Kutikkad, L. Foyto, N. Peters, G. Solbrekken, J. Kennedy, J. Stillman, E. Feldman, B. Dionne, J. Stevens
  • S8-P3 Conversion Status for the NIST Center for Neutron Research Reactor (NBSR) and Mitigation Strategies
    S. O’Kelly, W. Richards, M. Rowe, R. Williams, L-Y Cheng, A. Cuadra, D. Diamond, A. Hanson
  • S8-P4 ATR LEU Monolithic and Dispersed with Boron-10 Loading Minimization Design – Neutronics Performance Analysis
    G. S. Chang
  • S8-P5 Transitioning LEU Conversion Activities at the High Flux Isotope Reactor
    D. Renfro, R. Primm, G. Ilas, J. Freels, D. Cook, J. Sease, D. Pinkston

Conversion Analysis and Methods

Safety Analysis

Mo-99 Production - Technology Development

Fuel Development - Fuel Fabrication Technology

Minimization, Transportation and Fuel Disposition

Fuel Development - Irradiation Testing and Analysis

Fuel Development - Fuel Performance

HEU Minimization Poster Session

2012 RERTR Meeting

The 2012 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2012) took place in Warsaw, Poland from Oct. 14-17, 2012..
For more information visit RERTR-2012.

Past Meetings docs


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ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, RERTR Department
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on April 07, 2011 12:04 +0200