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Food Security

Since the Peace Corps' inception in 1961, Volunteers have addressed the adverse impact of food shortages in the countries they have served. Projects have ranged from fish farming and the introduction of small scale irrigation systems to improved food processing and marketing of food. Volunteers have also helped address food availability and nutrition through a variety of projects, including building school gardens, growing agricultural microenterprises, and educating others about good nutrition.

In response to increased challenges throughout the world regarding food security, the Peace Corps in April 2008, formed a Worldwide Food Security Task Force, charged with developing a mission statement and strategic plan; consolidating information and resources; and providing Volunteers and staff with project information, training assistance, and emotional support.

The Peace Corps Food Security Mission Statement

In response to increased food security challenges throughout the world, the Peace Corps is committed to doing its part to help address this critical issue at the grassroots level. Drawing on the experience of our staff and Volunteers, Peace Corps offers short-term and long-term assistance that reflects the Peace Corps' three goals, complements the work of other agencies and nongovernmental organizations, and highlights the unique role Volunteers can play in education, agricultural development, income generation, and sustainability. The Peace Corps is committed to providing our host country partners with motivated Volunteers who are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to mitigate the adverse consequences of the current food security crisis, and offer hope to the communities they serve.

Food Security and Peace Corps Volunteers

Volunteers serve in over 70 countries, with 40 percent involved in some capacity to support food security through projects in health and nutrition, agriculture, and the environment.

Sample Projects
Volunteers provide technical training and support to school systems, health ministries, municipal government offices, businesses, and non-governmental organizations.
Volunteer Stories
Volunteers describe in their own words what they are doing in their communities to strengthen food security.
Donate to Food Security Projects
Become part of the food security solution by helping fund special projects Volunteers are undertaking.

Last updated Dec 12 2012

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