Self Help Store

The Self-Help Center provides support to two categories:

  1. 801 Housing area, (E-7 and above) in northeast El Paso
  2. Soldiers doing minor repairs in government buildings and barracks through the R & U program

Those living in the 801 housing area need only to show proper ID so that they can be identified on a housing database.

Soldiers or civilians working in government buildings need to provide a completed DA 1687 Delegation of Authority Form signed by their unit Commander or activity Chief. Once in place, the individual(s) will receive a typed DD Form 577 card that needs to be presented to the Self-Help Store every time they draw supplies.

Telephone numbers:
Self-Help section: 568-3313(issue point)
  568-5931 (admin office)
U-Do-It section: 568-1772
Hours of operation:
Self-Help section: Mon–Sat 0830–1700
U-Do-It section: Mon–Fri 0730–1600
Both sections closed Sundays and US Holidays

Some highlights are: Catalogs and warehouse walk-through are available for viewing Extensive inventory; over 600 line items available Knowledgeable, experienced, customer focused employees ready to service you.