What is USAID?

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency of the U.S. government that provides economic development and humanitarian assistance around the world in support of the foreign policy goals of the United States. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act into law, creating by executive order what is now known as USAID.

USAID is headquartered in Washington, DC, with offices in more than 80 countries and territories in four regions of the world: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Near East, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe and Eurasia. USAID's office in Pakistan is in Islamabad.

How does USAID operate?

Based on active partnerships with the host country government, local private and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), USAID/Pakistan identifies needs and establishes a strategy for delivering assistance to the host country. The authority to design, procure and implement specific activities is largely delegated to the mission, based on USAID/Washington's approval of the country strategy. USAID's assistance is delivered through a variety of contractors and grantees, including U.S. private businesses, U.S. and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private voluntary organizations and international agencies.

What sectors does USAID focus on in Pakistan?

Based on the Agency's overall strategy and goals, USAID/Pakistan and the Government of Pakistan have mutually agreed on projects in the following five areas:

  • Energy
  • Economic Growth
  • Stabilization
  • Education
  • Health

In addition, USAID/Pakistan is also working for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Earthquake affected areas under its Earthquake Reconstruction component, and providing relief, and preparing the officials to deal with situations arising as result of natural disasters through its Disaster Assistance program.

Could you send me some general information on USAID activities in Pakistan?

All information is available on this website. The 'Downloads' section, accessible from the top menu bar, contains our most recent fact sheets and publications in PDF format for you to download, save and print. If you still need specific information that is not available elsewhere on this site, please feel free to use the 'Contact Us' page under 'About Us' link.

How can I receive funding from USAID/Pakistan?

USAID/Pakistan funds development assistance in Pakistan through activities implemented under contracts and grants with non-government organizations (for profit firms and non-profit organizations) and public international organization (PIOs), and in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan. Please use the links provided under 'Opportunities' section accessible from top menu.

Does USAID fund scholarships, higher education, training and research in the United States for Pakistanis?

USAID/Pakistan has no program, guidelines or funds available to provide scholarships, grants or loans directly to individuals for education, training, conferences, seminars and research in the United States and Pakistan.

However, two of our education programs do provide scholarships to Pakistani youth and students. These might help you along your academic path.

To learn more about the scholarship programs, please contact:

(For USAID-Fulbright Scholarships)
U.S. Educational Foundation (USEF)
House 3, St. 17, F-6/2
Tel: (051) 287 7075

(For Merit and Need-Based Scholarships)
Higher Education Commission
H-9, Islamabad.
Tel: (051) 444 4676

How do I apply for a job with USAID/Pakistan?

Current job vacancies are advertised on the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan's main site. If you have Pakistani citizenship and you wish to apply, please click here.

If you are a U.S. Citizen and are interested in a long-term career with USAID, information can be obtained at the Agency website under 'Careers'.

How can I do business with USAID/Pakistan?

USAID-funded activities in Pakistan are carried out through contracts and grants to American, Pakistani, and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and contractors. For more information on available opportunities, please look under 'Opportunities/Contracts and Grants'.

I would like to ask permission to use materials (images) from your web site in my presentation or publication.

Unless a copyright is indicated, information on this Web site is in the public domain and may be reproduced, published or otherwise used without USAID's permission. We request that USAID be cited as the source of the information and that any photo credits or bylines be similarly credited to the photographer or author or USAID, as appropriate.

If a copyright is indicated on a photo, graphic, or any other material, permission to copy these materials must be obtained from the original source.


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