Monthly Archives: August 2012

Behind the Scenes: Theater Archives and the Documentation of a Legacy

By Sara Zettervall, MFA Project Manager, University of Minnesota Libraries What are theaters across the nation doing (or not doing) to create archives of their productions? We asked this question as part of our IMLS National Leadership Planning Grant, “Preserving … Continue reading

Posted in Collections Care/Preservation, Cultural Heritage/Sustainability, National Leadership Grants | Comments Off

The Last Frontier

By Timothy Owens, IMLS Senior Program Officer Alaska. Denali. Glaciers. Moose. Salmon. Bears. Midnight sun. Endless wilderness. Largest state in the union. Libraries in communities with no roads to link them. Talk about rural and small libraries! Even Juneau, the … Continue reading

Posted in Grants to State Library Administrative Agencies | Comments Off

National Leadership Grant Video: Chicago Zoo’s Welfare Track

By Kevin O’Connell, IMLS Writer-Editor In this video interview, Jessica Whitman, Animal Welfare Biologist, and Tom Meehan, Vice President of Veterinary Services, describe the Chicago Zoological Society’s Welfare Track project, an IMLS-funded project that explores new ways of monitoring the … Continue reading

Posted in Collections Care/Preservation, National Leadership Grants | 1 Comment

SafeArchive Promises to Preserve Digital Collections

By Thu-Mai Christian, Graduate Research Assistant H. W. Odum Institute for Research in Social Science Given growing attention to issues in digital preservation, including that from institutions, funding agencies, and other stakeholders, new technologies to help mitigate risks to digital content … Continue reading

Posted in Collections Care/Preservation, National Leadership Grants | Comments Off