The Small Business Watchdog

As the voice of small business in government, Advocacy invites you to post your thoughts on this moderated blog, provided as a forum for the small business community.

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Entries from February 2013

Advocacy Publishes Newest State Small Business Profiles

February 14th, 2013 · No Comments

How are small businesses doing in your state? The Office of Advocacy has just published the Small Business Profiles for the States and Territories, to help answer this question. These profiles are brief two-page documents that give policymakers, small business owners, economists, and many others a detailed picture of the economic role of small businesses [...]


Tags: Research & Statistics · State and Regional

Competitive Carriers Urge the FCC to Consider New Copper Retirement Regulations

February 8th, 2013 · No Comments

On January 25, a coalition of competitive telecommunications carriers filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requesting that the FCC propose new regulations governing the retirement of copper communications infrastructure owned by incumbent carriers. (The incumbents are the group of large telcos which resulted from the breakup of the Bell operating companies in [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy