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Capitol Hill Connection for the Week of March 8

March 9th, 2010 · No Comments

Each week while Congress is in session the Office of Advocacy will post a highlights schedule of congressional hearings and committee markups that we think will be of interest to stakeholders in the small business community.  For further information on the hearings in question please contact the relevant congressional committee.

Tuesday, March 9

9:30 a.m.         Full Committee Joint Hearing
Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee and House Veterans’ Affairs Committee will hold joint hearings to receive legislative presentations for veterans’ service organizations.
Location:         G-50 Dirksen Bldg.

10:00 a.m.       Subcommittee Hearing
Superfund, Toxics and Environmental Health Subcommittee of Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing on business perspectives on proposals to overhaul chemical safety laws.
Location:         406 Dirksen Bldg.

2:00 p.m.         Full Committee Hearing
Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee will hold a hearing on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the impact of education on the country’s future economic success.
Location:         430 Dirksen Bldg.

2:00 p.m.         Full Committee Hearing
House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing titled “[Community] Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): Their Unique Role and Challenges Serving Lower-Income, Underserved and Minority Communities.”
Location:         2128 Rayburn Bldg.

Wednesday, March 10

9:30 a.m.         Full Committee Hearing
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing on pending legislation. The agenda includes:
S. 1696 — Green Gaming Act of 2009
S. 2908 — Water Heater Rating Improvement Act of 2009
S. 3059 — National Energy Efficiency Enhancement Act of 2010
S. 3054 — A bill to amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to establish efficiency standards for bottle-type water dispensers, commercial hot food holding cabinets and portable electric spas.
Location:         366 Dirksen Bldg.

10:00 a.m.       Full Committee Hearing
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will hold a hearing titled “Intelligence Reform: The Lessons and Implications of the Christmas Day Attack: Watchlisting and Pre-Screening.” The hearing will address the Dec. 25 terrorism attempt against Northwest Flight 253.
Location:         342 Dirksen Bldg.

10:00 a.m.       Full Committee Hearing
House Veterans’ Affairs Committee will hold a hearing titled “Structuring the VA of the 21st Century.”
Location:         334 Cannon Bldg.

10:00 a.m.       Subcommittee Hearing
Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee of House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing on the regulation of money service businesses, which includes anyone doing business, whether or not on a regular basis or as an organized business concern, in one or more of the following capacities: money transmitter; check casher; issuer or redeemer of traveler’s checks, money orders or stored value; currency dealing or exchange.
Location:         2128 Rayburn Bldg.

10:30 a.m.       Subcommittee Hearing
Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee of House Education and Labor Committee will hold a hearing on pending legislation. The agenda is H.R. 413, the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act of 2009.
Location:         2175 Rayburn Bldg.

2:00 p.m.         Subcommittee Hearing
Health Subcommittee of House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing entitled “Drug Safety: An Update from the FDA [Food and Drug Administration].”
Location:         2123 Rayburn Bldg.

2:30 p.m.         Full Committee Hearing
Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will hold a hearing titled “Advancing American Innovation and Competitiveness.”
Location:         253 Russell Bldg.

2:30 p.m.         Subcommittee Hearing
Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing on pending legislation. The agenda includes:
S. 2895 — Oregon Eastside Forests Restoration, Old Growth Protection and Jobs Act of 2009
S. 2907 — Federal Land Avalanche Protection Act of 2009
H.R. 4474 — Idaho Wilderness Water Resources Protection Act
H.R. 3759 — BLM Contract Extension Act
S. 2791 — Forest Harvest Opportunity Act
S. 2966 — Idaho Wilderness Water Facilities Act
Location:         366 Dirksen Bldg.

Thursday, March 11

10:00 a.m.       Full Committee Hearing
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing on proposals that would create jobs related to energy efficiency, including a majority staff draft on energy-efficient building retrofits.
Location:         366 Dirksen Bldg.

10:00 a.m.       Full Committee Hearing
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing titled “Federal, State and Local Partnerships to Accelerate Transportation Benefits.”
Location:         406 Dirksen Bldg.

10:00 a.m.       Full Committee Hearing
Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will hold a hearing titled “Consumers, Competition and the Proposed Comcast-NBC Universal Merger.”
Location:         253 Russell Bldg.

10:00 a.m.       Subcommittee Hearing
Border, Maritime and Global Counterterrorism Subcommittee of House Homeland Security Committee will hold a hearing titled “Visa Security and Passenger Pre-Screening Efforts in the Wake of Flight 253,” focusing on the roles of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Department of State in visa security and passenger pre-screening in the aftermath of the Flight 253 incident on Dec. 25, 2009.
Location:         311 Cannon Bldg.

10:00 a.m.       Subcommittee Hearing
Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection Subcommittee of House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold an oversight hearing on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Location:         2123 Rayburn Building

1:00 p.m.         Full Committee Hearing
House Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing to review current policy concerning U.S. agricultural sales to Cuba.
Location:         1300 Longworth Building

1:00 p.m.         Subcommittee Hearing
Economic Opportunity Subcommittee of House Veterans’ Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on the Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Veteran Enterprise.
Location:         334 Cannon Bldg.

Friday, March 12

9:30 a.m.         Subcommittee Hearing
Energy and Environment Subcommittee of House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing titled “HomeStar: Job Creation Through Home Energy Retrofits.”
Location:         2123 Rayburn Bldg.

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