DPW Services FAQs
How are the DPW service order priorities determined?
What are the telephone numbers for service orders?
Where can I find the DPW Web site?
What are the shops telephone numbers?
How are the DPW service order priorities determined?

a. The Maintenance and Operations Division will oversee the contractor (Pride Industries) perform service order work based on a Priority System. Priorities used on customer calls include Priority 1 – Emergency, Priority 2 – Urgent and Priority 3 – Routine. Service Order Clerks will use the guidelines listed below and their judgment of the severity of the situation when assigning priorities. Supervisors have the authority to change priorities based on their knowledge of the situation.
b. Routine service orders and emergencies may be submitted during normal duty hours by the Repair and Upkeep (R&U) NCO and customers calling the service order desk at 915-568-1107 from any phone with a "568" or "569" exchange. The R&U NCO and customers may also submit routine service orders by filling out a Service Order Request Form at the north end of Building 777. Severe emergencies that could result in life/limb endangerment or significant damage to property are taken on the emergency line, 915-568-7239, during regular duty hours. All emergencies that occur after regular duty hours and on weekends and holidays will be taken on 915-568-7239. The status of service orders may be checked by calling 915-568-1107 during normal duty hours.
c. For all utilities; electric, gas, water, and sewer leaks during duty hours contact 915-568-1107 or after hours, nights, weekends and holidays telephone 915-568-7239.
d. Guidelines for Service Order Priorities (not all inclusive)

(1) PRIORITY 1: EMERGENCY – Immediate response, complete within 2 working hours. All Priority 1 calls will be called to the shop by the service order clerk.


  • Life/limb endangerment
  • Gas Leak (Inside building)
  • Utility outage affecting an entire building or area
  • Sewage backing up in building from lateral
  • Entire building stopped up
  • Traffic light for entire intersection is out
  • Dishwashers completely inoperable in dining facilities
  • Refrigerator / freezer out in Dining Facility (If there is no place to store perishables)
  • All stoves inoperable in Dining Facility
  • All ovens inoperable in Dining Facility
  • No hot water in barracks or dining facility
  • No steam in dining facility
  • Only toilet in building stopped up
  • Broken utility pole
  • Live electrical wire on ground or hanging low
  • Rotating beacon at Ironsides Village and BCT
  • Whole bank of runway approach lights or circuit of runway lights out
  • Fuel leak
  • Unable to secure building
  • Individual locked in/out of room/building.
    This is a Priority One (Emergency) only if the locking mechanism is non-operational. For example: key broken off in the lock, lock cylinder spins, etc. Lost key or lockout because individual has locked in room or misplaced elsewhere does not constitute an emergency. In this event, individual should contact his/her unit key custodian.
  • No heat in entire facility when temperatures are predicted below 55 degrees
  • Broken piping in facility (water can't be shut off)
  • Faucet running full force (unless property damaging)

(2) PRIORITY 2: URGENT – Requires completion within 7 Calendar days.


  • A/C out in buildings other than those listed above
  • Heat out in a significant portion of the building
  • Refrigerator / freezer out in Dining Facility (If there is a place to store perishables)
  • Serving line inoperable in Dining Facility
  • Ice machine inoperable in Dining Facility
  • Thaw box inoperable in Dining Facility
  • Grill inoperable in Dining Facility
  • Garbage disposal stopped up or inoperable
  • Ovens in Dining Facility (If 50% of ovens are inoperable)
  • Steamers in Dining Facility (If both steamers are inoperable)
  • Deep fat fryers in all other Dining Facility (If both are inoperable)
  • A/C leak (drain lines)
  • Water leak indicated by ponding water
  • Roof leaks
  • Inoperative crane with load in the air (scamps are available)
  • Air compressor failure with no work stoppage
  • Plumbing fixture stopped up
  • No hot water other than barracks or dining facility
  • Entire parking lot lights out/stretch of street lights out
  • One bulb out in traffic light
  • Swimming pool system inop
  • Barracks rooms – toilet stopped up

(3) PRIORITY 3: ROUTINE – Requires completion within 30 Calendar days:


  • Ovens in Dining Facility (If only 1 or 2 are inoperable)
  • Steamers in Dining Facility (If only one is inoperable)
  • Salad bar inoperable in Dining Facility
  • Pastry cabinet inoperable in Dining Facility
  • Milk machine inoperable in Dining Facility
  • Juice dispenser inoperable in Dining Facility
  • Faucets/shower heads leaking
  • Individual lights out at runway
  • Hook up/disconnect service drops
  • Heat or A/C that affects one room
  • Dripping faucet or shower head
  • Cracked glass
  • Repair to siding
  • Individual street lights
  • Testing of grounds/grounding rods
  • Boots on electrical lines
  • Yard Repair
  • Asphalt Repair
  • Grade and level
  • Fence repair
  • Individual fan coils in rooms
  • Pest control service

What are the telephone numbers for service orders?

Emergency service orders – 915-568-7239
Routine service orders – 915-568-1107
Status of service orders – 915-568-1107

Where can I find the DPW Web site?


What are the shops telephone numbers?

DPW does not give out any shop telephone numbers. If the customer has a question they may leave a message with the service order clerk and the supervisor of the shop will return their call or they may contact their CSR.