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Enhancement Strategies for Mitigating Potential Operational Impacts of Cooling Water Intake Structures: Approaches for Enhancing Environmental Resources

This report, prepared for the Electric Power Research Institute, describes environmental enhancement or restoration approaches that may be applicable for mitigating impingement and entrainment impacts associated with cooling water intake structures. This report characterizes restoration approaches, identifies their technical merits, presents methods or approaches to monitor their effectiveness, and identifies approaches for selecting the type and amount of restoration. This report also identifies and evaluates the use of trading strategies as a mitigation avenue for addressing cooling water intake impacts.

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EPRI, 2003, Enhancement Strategies for Mitigating Potential Operational Impacts of Cooling Water Intake Structures: Approaches for Enhancing Environmental Resources, EPRI Final Report 1007454, prepared by Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, for EPRI, Palo Alto, California, May [I. Hlohowskyj, J. Hayse, R. Van Lonkhuyzen, J. Veil, and W. Vinikour]
EPRI Report 1007454


Hlohowskyj, Ihor; Hayse, John; Van Lonkhuyzen, Robert A.; Veil, John A.; Vinikour, William S.; Urquidi, L.


Staff Photo  Chris Harto

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