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Common Questions


Preparing for Conversion



System Requirements



Q. What is OTCnet?

OTCnet is the Treasury/FMS solution for Over the Counter (OTC) Deposit Processing and Reporting and Check Capture. OTCnet is a combination of two legacy systems, TGAnet and PCC OTC. The combined functionality improves over-the-counter collections by fully automating the collection, reconciliation, research and reporting processes into a single, secure Web-based application.

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Q. Do I have to use OTCnet?

Yes, all over-the-counter deposit activity will need to be entered into OTCnet. In particular, agencies using CA$HLINK II and PCC OTC must convert to OTCnet by December 2012. CA$HLINK II and PCC OTC will be decommissioned in December 2012. If your Agency has not received information about converting to OTCnet, please contact Angela Smith at (202) 874-4080.

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Q. How do I access OTCnet?

Visit to log-in to OTCnet with your Treasury Single Sign-On account.

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Q. What are the advantages of using OTCnet?

OTCnet makes it easier for stakeholders and citizens to complete over-the-counter activity (e.g., Point-of-sale, Bank Deposits) with the government. OTCnet's online capabilities allow access to information and reports anytime, anywhere. OTCnet's design accommodates check capture and deposit reporting the "Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS) way". Reporting transactions and associated accounting data "the CARS way" is required under the Government-wide Accounting (GWA) modernization initiative and serves as the standard for all government agencies.

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Q. How can I make suggestions for enhancements?

Enhancement suggestions can be made by contacting the Treasury OTC Support Center at (866) 945-7920, or (302) 324-6442, or military DSN at (510) 428-6824, (select option 1, select option 2, then select option 4) or via e-mail at To improve OTCnet, we continuously evaluate enhancement requests.

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Q. What is OTCnet Offline?

OTCnet Offline enables agencies to perform check conversion activities with limited Internet connectivity. The OTCnet Offline application is available via secure download from OTCnet Online or, as needed, via CD. The Offline application locally installs on Agency workstations to allow Check Capture and Batch Upload activity with limited Internet access. To learn more about OTCnet Offline, please refer to the latest release notes at

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Q. Should my Agency use OTCnet Offline?

OTCnet Offline is ideal for your Agency if you experience frequent Internet disruptions or have locations with limited Internet connectivity or extremely low bandwidth, such as overseas locations.

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Q. How is OTCnet similar to TGAnet/PCC OTC?

OTCnet provides the same functionality as TGAnet and PCC OTC, consolidated into a single, secure Web-based application. The reports in OTCnet are the same as those previously found in TGAnet and PCC OTC. Users will see no major change in reporting. Future releases of OTCnet will incorporate enhancements; reports may be updated based on new regulations, but the inherent functionality will remain the same.

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Q. How is OTCnet different from TGAnet/PCC OTC?

OTCnet combines the functionality of TGAnet and PCC OTC into a single web- based application. Therefore, the look and feel of the application is slightly different. OTCnet allows users to conduct all check capturing activities online, thus eliminating the need to download software. An offline version is available for agencies with unique needs, such as intermittent Internet access.

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Q. With the sunset of CASHLINK II, what do I need to do to start using OTCnet for my depositing needs?

With the decommissioning of CASHLINK II, all agencies with OTC deposits to commercial banks and Federal Reserve Banks must report them electronically in OTCnet. To prepare for the transition away from CASHLINK II, agencies should begin migrating all OTC deposits to OTCnet’s Depositing Reporting or Check Scanning function.

If you are a new Agency coming onto OTCnet Deposit Processing, please visit our Agency Enrollment page.

If you are a new Financial Institution, please visit our Financial Institution Enrollment page.

The CASHLINK II system will be phased out as part of the Collections and Cash Management Modernization initiative that will transform the government's infrastructure for revenue collection.

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Q. What does the term "OTCnet" mean?

OTCnet stands for Over the Counter Channel Application (OTCnet), a system that allows users to capture and process checks, and/or process deposits.

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Q. Who do I call for assistance with OTCnet?

Please call the OTC Support Center (1-866-945-7920) for all OTCnet questions, concerns, or issues, including questions related to user creation and training. The OTC Support Center is the focal point for obtaining resolution to all OTCnet issues. Additionally, your Deployment Specialist will be able to provide any specific OTCnet information related to your Agency.

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Preparation for Conversion

Q. When do I have to convert to OTCnet?

Agencies using PCC OTC will be converted in groups according to a phased schedule running from Spring 2011 through 2012, as CA$HLINK II is decommissioned in December 2012. All PCC OTC agencies have been contacted individually by FMS regarding their conversion schedule. If your Agency has not received its conversion date, please contact Angela Smith at (202) 874-4080. All TGAnet Agencies and Financial Institutions were converted to OTCnet during a one-time conversion completed on March 19, 2011.

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Q. How will I know what is required from me during the conversion process?

All converting agencies are assigned a Deployment Specialist who will provide assistance throughout the conversion process. There are five steps to the Check Capture conversion process (Preparation, Data Conversion, User Creation, Terminal Configuration, Fist Check Scan) and four steps to the Deposit Reporting conversion process (Preparation, Configuration, User Creation and First Deposit). Prior to converting to OTCnet, Treasury/FMS will work with each Agency on these steps to review Agency roles and responsibilities so that conversion is as seamless as possible.

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Q. How will my Agency learn to use OTCnet?

Web-Based Training (WBT) is the primary way for users to learn how to use the OTCnet system. WBT is available to Agencies at any time on the Training page of the OTCnet Web site at User Guides, Printable Job Aids, simulations and other training tools are available through WBT.

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Q. If I am converting from PCC OTC to OTCnet, do I have to purchase new hardware (e.g., a scanner) to use OTCnet?

All current hardware used with PCC OTC (e.g., scanners, yes/no keypads, other peripherals) is supported by OTCnet. To learn more about purchasing OTCnet-compatible hardware, please visit the OTCnet Hardware Ordering Overview page at or contact your Deployment Specialist.

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Q. What costs are associated with converting to OTCnet?

There are no costs associated with converting your Agency's current system configuration to OTCnet. However, agencies that are not currently using PCC OTC but would like to use the check capture functionality of OTCnet will need to purchase a check scanner. Scanners are a one-time cost and come with a one to two year warranty, depending on the type of scanner.

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Q. How is moving to OTCnet from TGAnet/PCC OTC going to change my business process?

TGAnet and PCC OTC functionalities are incorporated into the OTCnet application. No Agency business or payment process changes are anticipated, but early preparation by consulting with Agency internal partners will determine if there is a need to modify any business process. There are changes to how system users and locations are managed in OTCnet, which may require some slight modifications. FMS provides training for all OTCnet users to address the changes that impact them and their system roles.

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Q. What should I do if my bank or Financial Institution is not using OTCnet?

A list of Financial Institutions (FIs) converted to OTCnet can be found on the OTCnet website at If your FI is not a current user of OTCnet, please contact the TGA Support Staff at (866) 771-1842 or for assistance.

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Q. I have another Treasury Single Sign On (SSO) User Account. Can I use it for OTCnet?

Yes. Each Agency will have a Primary Local Security Administrator and Local Security Administrator(s) (P/LSA) who will have the ability to add an OTCnet account to your existing Treasury Single Sign On (SSO) ID.

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Q. Is there a difference between PCC OTC users and OTCnet users?

Responsibilities from certain PCC OTC roles have been integrated into new OTCnet roles. The table on page 6 of the User Roles Guide explains the former PCC OTC roles and the corresponding OTCnet role. The User Roles Guide is located on the OTCnet website at (Click on User Roles Guide).

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Q. How do I unlock my password?

Contact your Primary Local Security Administrator (PLSA) or Local Security Administrator (LSA) to reset your password. If your PLSA or LSA is not available, you may contact the Treasury OTC Support Center at (866) 945-7920, or (302) 324-6442, or military DSN at (510) 428-6824, (select option 1, select option 2, then select option 4) or via e-mail at

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Q. How do I reset my password?

If you know your existing password, you can go to "My Profile" and change the password in the Identity Manager after you’ve logged into OTCnet.

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Q. Am I limited to one role in OTCnet or am I able to have multiple roles? Which User Roles can be combined?

There are certain roles that can be combined and others that are not able to be combined. Pages 7-9 of the User Roles Guide provides an-depth explanation of Role Combinations for Deposit Reporting, Check Capture and FI Users. The User Roles Guide is located on the OTCnet website at (Click on User Roles Guide).

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Q. What users can perform which functions?

A description of each User Role in OTCnet can be found on pages 1-5 of the User Roles Guide. The User Roles Guide is located on the OTCnet website at (Click on User Roles Guide).

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Q. I am the PLSA/LSA, how do I decide which roles to provision?

Please refer to the User Roles Guide and work with your Deployment Specialist to determine the appropriate roles to provision to your staff. The User Roles Guide is located on the OTCnet website at (Click on User Roles Guide).

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Q. I am a PLSA/LSA, how do I create a new user account?

PLSAs and LSAs can create new OTCnet user accounts by using the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (ITIM) Web-based application. P/LSAs can access ITIM by going to and logging in with their Treasury Single Sign On (SSO) ID. P/LSAs should first log into ITIM and perform a search to confirm the user does not already have a Treasury SSO ID to avoid duplication of user accounts. The PLSA and LSA should then initiate the "New External User Identity" task from the ITIM User interface menu.

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Q. What is the minimum number of personnel required to run OTCnet?

The minimum number of personnel required to run OTCnet is three: two personnel to serve as the PLSA and LSA to create and provision users, and one person to hold the required administrative and functional roles (e.g. Accounting Specialist, Deposit Preparer, Deposit Approver, Check Capture Administrator, Check Capture Supervisor, Check Capture Lead Operator, CIRA Viewer).

Please note that if an Agency is only using OTCnet Deposit Reporting, the minimum required number of personnel is still 3, but the individual with the administrative and functional roles will only need the Accounting Specialist, Deposit Preparer and Deposit Approver roles. Please work with your Deployment Specialist if you have questions.

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Q. Do I need separation of duties?

The implementation of separation of duties is at the discretion of the Agency and will depend on their internal processes and policies. OTCnet will allow certain users to perform more than one function. Pages 7-9 of the User Roles Guide provides an-depth explanation of Role Combinations for Deposit Reporting, Check Capture and FI Users. The User Roles Guide is located on the OTCnet website at (Click on User Roles Guide).

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Q. What kind of training options are available for my Agency?

The OTCnet Training Program offers users several tools to successfully learn the OTCnet System. These tools include and a user-friendly Web-Based Training (WBT) and Paper-Based Resources that are available for agencies and Financial Institutions to use at any time. WBT allows users to train on OTCnet when it is convenient, provides new staff with training, and lets users retake modules as needed.

WBT includes:

  • Printable Job Aids (PJAs) that provide step-by-step instructions for performing specific tasks
  • Show Me simulations that demonstrate specific system tasks a user performs in OTCnet
  • Let Me Try simulations that enable a user to practice specific system tasks in a safe training environment
  • User guides (UGs) that provide step-by-step instructions that includes a textual description of tasks, with screenshots and ends with a wrap-up How To box providing step-by-step instructions for completing the task as appropriate
  • Job Aids (JAs) that provide a designated user with a "quick tips" reference for Deposit Processing and Check Processing tasks such as creating Agency hierarchy, establishing depositing endpoints, processing options, etc.

Instructor-led training is also available pending FMS approval. For more information on training, visit or contact FMS Information at

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Q. How do I access training resources?

Web-Based Training (WBT) is the primary way for users to learn how to use the OTCnet system. WBT is available to agencies on-demand via the Training page of the OTCnet website at Instructor-led training is also available pending FMS approval. For more information on training, contact FMS Information at

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System Requirements

Q. Where can I find the latest System Requirements document?

The OTCnet System Requirements document is located on the OTCnet website at, under the "Conversion Toolkit". The document is updated as the system evolves. Users are encouraged to review the System Requirements document periodically and prior to any large scale IT rollouts.

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Q. How often are the system requirements updated?

The System Requirements are updated as the system evolves and as testing progresses. Normally, the System Requirements document is updated with each OTCnet release.

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Q. Does OTCnet meet my Agency's security requirements?

OTCnet is compliant with the latest Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) audit, 508 regulations, user access/provisioning, system security requirements, and Homeland Security Presidential Directive -12 (HSPD-12) and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) standards.

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Q. Does OTCnet require a Java Runtime Environment installed on a client workstation?

OTCnet requires an installed Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to enable check scanning functionality on client workstations, but does not require a JRE for deposit processing functionality. For the latest Java compatibility information, please review the OTCnet System Requirements at under the OTCnet Conversion Toolkit. Additional development and testing is required to ensure compatibility with additional JRE versions. OTCnet will continue to review future JRE updates for integration with OTCnet releases.

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Q. What are the Hardware Requirements for OTCnet?

Please review the OTCnet System Requirements document for detailed information on hardware requirements for OTCnet. The document can be found on the OTCnet homepage at under the "OTCnet Conversion Toolkit".

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Q. If I am converting from PCC OTC to OTCnet, do I have to purchase new hardware (e.g., a scanner) to use OTCnet?

All current hardware used with PCC OTC (e.g., scanners, yes/no keypads, other peripherals) is supported by OTCnet. To learn more about purchasing OTCnet-compatible hardware, please visit the OTCnet Hardware Ordering Overview page at or contact your Deployment Specialist.

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Q. Will my Agency need to use a scanner?

Your Agency needs a scanner if using OTCnet for Check Capture. If your Agency only uses OTCnet for Deposit Processing, a scanner is not needed.

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Q. Are there any costs associated with the scanner?

Agencies will incur a one-time cost associated with the initial purchase of a scanner. Scanners come with a one or two year warranty depending on the type of scanner. Please reach out to your Deployment Specialist to provide additional information on hardware pricing.

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Q. Where can I find information on scanner firmware?

Information on scanner firmware is included in the OTCnet System Requirements document. The document can be found on the OTCnet homepage at under the "OTCnet Conversion Toolkit". OTCnet has been developed to be compatible with most users' computer systems and to be set-up with as much ease as possible.

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Q. What do I need to do when there is a new scanner firmware release?

Users will be notified in advance of firmware releases. Agency user(s) that have been provisioned the Check Capture Administrator role will be responsible for downloading the new scanner firmware release from the OTCnet Web-based application and installing it on each Check Capture workstation.

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Q. What should I do if my scanner isn't working properly?

If your scanner is not working properly, please contact the Customer Support team to help troubleshoot possible problems. If the issues persist, they may direct you to contact the distributor for assistance.

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   Last Updated:  June 21, 2012

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