REDRESS Bibliography

REDRESS® mediation research and references

The United States Postal Service™ contracted with the Indiana Conflict Resolution Institute (ICRI) and Professor Lisa Bingham to evaluate and determine the effectiveness of the REDRESS program. This research was funded in part by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The results of the research have been published in several professional journals. A bibliography of that research is provided for your review. To access the complete research text or to learn more about ICRI and Professor Lisa Bingham, visit the ICRI web site at:

Bingham, Raines, Kim. (2000 Forthcoming). “The Impact of Representatives on Mediation Duration and Settlement in the REDRESS Program at the United States Postal Service” Accepted for Presentation: International Association of Conflict Management Meeting, June 2000.

Bingham, Raines, Kim. Submitted IRRA 2001. “Employment Mediation: Exploring
the Role of Representation at the USPS.”

Nabatchi, Bingham. (2000 Forthcoming). “Transformative Mediation in the USPS REDRESS Program: Observations of ADR Specialists” Accepted for Presentation: International Association of Conflict Management Meeting, June 2000.

Bingham, Moon. (2000 Forthcoming). “Transformative Mediation at Work: Employee and Supervisor Perceptions” Accepted for Presentation: International Association of Conflict Management Meeting, June 2000.

Bingham, Chesmore, Moon, Napoli. (2000 Forthcoming). “Mediating” Employment Disputes at the United States Postal Service: A Comparison of In-House and Outside Neutral Mediator Models” Review of Public Personnel Administration.

Bingham, Novac. (2000 Forthcoming). “Mediation’s Impact on Formal Discrimination Complaint Filing: Before and After REDRESS Program at the United States Postal Service” Accepted for Presentation: International Association of Conflict Management Meeting, June 2000.

Bingham, Napoli. (Forthcoming). “Conflict Management Techniques in the Workplace: The United States Postal Service”

Bingham, Napoli (2001). “Employment Dispute Resolution and Workplace Culture: The REDRESS Program at the United States Postal Service” In Breger, M. and Schatz, J. (eds.), The Federal Alternative Dispute Resolution Deskbook, (pp. 507-526). Washington, DC: The American Bar Association

Anderson, Bingham (1997). “Upstream Effects From Mediating Workplace Disputes: Some Preliminary Evidence From the USPS“ Labor Law Journal, 48, 601-615.

Bingham. (1997). “Mediating Employment Disputes: Perceptions of REDRESS at the United States Postal Service” Review of Public Personnel Administration, XVII (2), 20-30.

Bingham, Chachere. (1999). “Dispute Resolution in Employment: The Need for Research” In Eaton, A. E. and Keefe, J. H. (eds), 1999 Industrial Relations Research Association Research Volume: Employment Dispute Resolution and Worker Rights in the Changing Workplace, pp. 95-135. Champaign, IL: Industrial Relations Research Association.

Bingham. (1997). “Alternative Dispute Resolution in Public Administration” In Newland, C. and Cooper, F. (eds.), The Handbook of Public Law and PublicAdministration, pp. 546-566. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc.

Folger, Antes, Della Noce. (2000). “Transforming Conflict interaction in the Workplace: Documented Effects of the USPS REDRESS Program.”

Gann, Hallberlin. (2001). "Recruiting and Training Outside Neutrals" In Breger, M & Shatz,J. Ceds., The Federal Alternative Dispute Resolution Deskbook (pp.623-634). Washington, DC. : American Bar Association.

Hallberlin, C. 2001. Transforming Workplace Culture Through Mediation: Lessons Learned From Swimming Upstream Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal 18(2), 375-383.

Intrater, K.A. & Gann,T.G. 2001. The Lawyer's Role in Institutionalizing ADR. Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal 18(2), 469-478.

Nabatchi, Tina and Bingham, Lisa B., "Transformative Mediation in the USPS REDRESS Program: Observations of ADR. Specialists," Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal, Vol. 18(2), pp.399-427.