Professional Fellows Media Program

Image of a group of participants standing in front of the Washington Monument.


The Professional Fellows Media Program brings emerging leaders from around the world to the United States for intensive fellowships designed to broaden their professional expertise. Participants spend up to six weeks in the United States, where they are offered professional development opportunities in journalism and communications, with a focus on professional practices in the United States media ethics. The program also establishes structured interaction among American and foreign participants designed to develop enduring professional ties and lasting partnerships.

Program Length

4-6 weeks

Eligibility and Application Overview

Public applications are accepted.

Participants must:

  • Be leaders in the field of communications, with a demonstrated record and  interest in effecting positive change in their institutions and communities;
  • Be mid-level professionals with leadership potential in the public and private sectors, or civil society with experience and current employment in media;
  • Be proficient in written and oral English, self-directed, able to work effectively in a cross-cultural setting, and have demonstrated leadership abilities.

Additional eligibility requirements for this program may vary by country. Individuals who are interested should contact the partnering non-profit organizations.

Country-Specific Information

Participants apply through one of the partnering non-profit organizations, and will be selected through an open, merit-based, competitive process in consultation with the Public Affairs Section of the relevant U.S. Embassies.  Prospective participants should contact the partnering organizations for information about upcoming exchange programs and eligibility requirements. There will be an application period in the spring and fall of 2013.

Application Contact Information

University of Oklahoma

Program Profile

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