Museums Connect


Museums Connect (formerly known as Museums & Community Collaborations Abroad) is designed to strengthen connections between people in the United States and abroad through museum-based exchanges.

Museums Connect links U.S. and international museums by providing resources for these institutions to focus on local community engagement and increase cross-cultural understanding -- resulting in partnerships that reach beyond traditional exhibit-based exchanges.

The program is a partnership between the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the American Alliance of Museums.

Program Length

Approximately 1 year

Eligibility and Application Overview

Public applications are accepted.

Non-profit museums of any size and discipline are eligible to participate. To apply, museums must:

  • Have been open to the public for at least two years;
  • Have the institutional and financial capacity to complete the activities and create the outputs described in their proposal;
  • Have at least one partner. U.S. museums must partner with a non-U.S. museum and vice versa.
Application Process

Phase I - Profile and Partnering
Phase II - Statement of Intent to Propose and Embassy Endorsement
Phase III - Final Proposal
Selection and Next Steps

For more information, visit The American Alliance of Museums website.

More details on applying and eligibility

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