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Idaho National Laboratory Radiological Response Training Range draft environmental assessment available for public review and comment

August 4, 2010

Media contact: Brad Bugger, 208-526-0833

The public is invited to read and comment on a draft environmental assessment that the U.S. Department of Energy has published for a proposed radiological response training range at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

At the range, INL experts would train personnel, conduct exercises, and perform technology evaluation and demonstrations in support of national technical nuclear forensic and radiological emergency response programs.

�The Radiological Response Training Range will allow emergency responders to prepare for a major radiological incident by training in an environment that safely simulates scenarios they might encounter,� said Vic Pearson, DOE�s document manager for the environmental assessment. �Activities at the range would directly support the nation�s readiness to respond to a radiological incident, but more importantly, would enable responders to develop proficiency in characterizing the scene in support of determining the origins of the incident.�

The environmental assessment, prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, is posted for public review on the Internet at the following link: http://www.ID.Energy.gov/InsideNEID/PDF/DOE-EA-1776_RRTR-7-29-10 Draft EA.pdf - 1.2 Mb

The public comment period on the document extends through Sept. 3, 2010. Written comments can be sent to: Vic Pearson, U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office, 1955 Fremont Avenue, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-1170, or emailed to: RRTR_EA@id.doe.gov.


Editorial Date August 4, 2010
By Brad Bugger


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