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DOE Awards Small Business Contracts for Recovery Act Cleanup Work at DOE�s Idaho Site

August 2, 2010

Media contact: Brad Bugger, (208) 526-0833

Cincinnati � The Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (EM) has awarded two small business contracts for work at the Department of Energy�s Idaho Site funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. North Wind Services, LLC, Idaho Falls, Idaho, was awarded a $14 million construction contract and TerranearPMC, LLC, of Exton, Pennsylvania, is awarded a $2 million cleanup contract. North Wind Services and TerranearPMC are both certified small businesses under the U.S. Small Business Administration.

North Wind Services, LLC, an Alaskan Native Owned Corporation was contracted to procure and construct a retrieval enclosure and ancillary structures designated as Accelerated Retrieval Project VII (ARP VII) over Pit 10 West at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex. These facilities will function as a weather protection enclosure and minimize the spread of contamination during buried waste excavation, retrieval and packaging operations. This contract is from July 30, 2010 through September 30, 2011. 

TerranearPMC will deactivate and demolish the Test Reactor Area-712, at the Advanced Test Reactor Complex. The contract period is July 30, 2010 to July 30, 2011.

In the last year, the Office of Environmental Management has continued to meet the goals of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act by creating and saving jobs, spurring economic activity and accelerating waste cleanup. While implementing these goals and spending Recovery Act funds, the program has fostered unprecedented levels of accountability and transparency, said EM Recovery Act Program Director, Cynthia V. Anderson.

�Recovery Act funds have helped us make significant progress over the last year and a half while providing substantial job growth in communities across the United States. Recovery Act funding provided $6 billion to accelerate the cleanup of nuclear waste at sites around the country, with the goal of reducing EM�s footprint by 40 percent. More than 20,000 workers have benefitted from Recovery Act spending, with 698 Recovery Act positions being retained or created to date at INL working at EM projects,� EM Recovery Act Program Director Cynthia Anderson said.

EM is responsible for the largest nuclear environmental cleanup project in the world. After five decades of nuclear weapons production, the Cold War left 1.5 million cubic meters of solid waste and 88 million gallons of liquid waste that will require treatment and permanent safe storage. In addition to the decontamination of soil and ground water at these sites, thousands of buildings and structures must be decontaminated and demolished.


Editorial Date August 3, 2010
By Brad Bugger


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