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Current Documents for Review and Public Comment:
  • Idaho-Related National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documents Undergoing Comment Periods:
  • None at this time.

  • Idaho-Related Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Documents Undergoing Comment Periods:
  • None at this time.
    Other Helpful Documents:
    The documents listed below contain information useful for gaining a broader understanding of work underway at the DOE's Idaho site.
  • Idaho Operations Office 2013 Annual National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Planning Summary - 190 Kb
  • National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants - Calendar Year 2010 INL Report for Radionuclides - 1.7 Mb
  • Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
    The Idaho National Laboratory's nuclear energy role is to provide leadership, science, technology and engineering demonstration support for advanced nuclear energy technologies that help the nation meet its energy security needs. The INL's national security role is to provide science and technology solutions to the nation’s nuclear non-proliferation concerns, develop science-based solutions for protecting critical infrastructure and provide applied solutions to defense and intelligence community clients. The INL also has a role to serve a variety of current and planned DOE and national research and development missions.
  • Transportation Related Documents.
  • INL FY 2011 Site Sustainability Plan with the FY 2010 Annual
    - 4.2 Mb
  • Idaho National Laboratory’s Greenhouse Gas FY08 Baseline - 2 Mb
  • Transportation Fuels - 270 Kb
  • INL busing now becoming the DOE role model For energy savings and
    pollution reduction
    - 502 Kb
  • Idaho National Laboratory Fuel Usage Reduction Efforts - 774 Kb
  • Environmental Assessment for the Replacement Capability for Disposal of Remote-Handled Low-Level Radioactive Waste Generated at the Department of Energy’s Idaho Site.
  • http://www.ID.Energy.gov/InsideNEID/PDF/Final EA DOE_EA-1793 2011-12-20.pdf
    - 4 Mb
  • Environmental Assessment for the Idaho National Laboratory Stand-Off Experiment Range.
  • Finding of No Significant Impact for the INL Stand-Off Experiment
    (SOX) Range
    - 276 Kb
  • Idaho National Laboratory Stand-Off Experiment (SOX) Range Environmental Assessment - 2.4 Mb
  • Environmental Assessment for the Idaho National Laboratory Radiological Response Training Range.
  • Final Environmental Assessment for the Idaho National Laboratory Radiological Response Training Range and Finding of No Significant Impact (PS-NS-10-008) - 78 Kb
  • Idaho National Laboratory Radiological Response Training Range Environmental Assessment - 1.3 Kb
  • Environmental Assessment for the Multipurpose Haul Road Within the Idaho National Laboratory.
  • http://www.ID.Energy.gov/InsideNEID/PDF/FONSI Dear Citizen letter.pdf
    - 3.6 Mb
  • http://www.ID.Energy.gov/InsideNEID/PDF/Haul Road EA FONSI.pdf - 3.3 Mb
  • http://www.ID.Energy.gov/InsideNEID/PDF/Final Haul Road EA.pdf - 1.8 Mb
  • INL Contract
  • 1995 Idaho Settlement Agreement - 809 Kb
  • The Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office (DOE-ID) Workforce Restructuring Plan for the Idaho National Laboratory September 2008 (Update of the July 1998 Plan) - 1293 Kb
  • Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP)
    The Idaho Cleanup Project's role is to accelerate cleanup of past contamination and manage waste left over from past Cold War activities.
  • Supplement Analysis on the Transfer and Return of Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Elements from the Idaho National Laboratory to thte Research Reactor in
    Vienna, Austria - 398 Kb
  • Finding of No Significant Impact for the Final Environmental Assessment for the Remote-handled Waste Disposition Project (WDP-RWMC-09-008) - 4795 Kb
  • ICP Contract
  • 2005 SUPPLEMENT ANALYSIS of the INL Site Portion of the April 1995 Programmatic
    Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
    Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs Final Environmental
    Impact Statement
    - 8481 KB
  • Conclusions of the 2005 Supplement Analysis of the DOE Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and INEL Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Program
    EIS (DOE/EIS-0203-F) - (EM-CGD-05-009)
    - 141 KB
  • Environmental Management Performance Management Plan Accelerating Cleanup of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory - 5101 KB
  • High Level Waste (HLW) Impact Statement
  • Idaho Cleanup Project Status 6/2004
  • Idaho Operations Office Agreements & Commitments
  • Record of Decision for the Idaho High-Level Waste and Facilities Disposition
    Final Environmental Impact Statement
    - 1528 KB
  • Amended Record of Decision: Idaho High-Level Waste and Facilities Disposition Final Environmental Impact Statement - 2784 KB
  • 1995 Idaho Settlement Agreement - 809 Kb
  • Supplement Analysis for the Idaho High-Level Waste and Facilities
    Disposition Final
    - 937 KB
  • Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project (AMWTP)
    Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project's role is to safely retrieve, characterize, treat and package transuranic waste for shipment out of Idaho to permanent disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico.
  • AMWTP Contract
  • 1995 Idaho Settlement Agreement - 809 Kb

    Last Updated: 02/01/2013

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