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Tips Contrib Package

Displays a rotating "Tip of the Day" to help familiarize new users with Foswiki features. Includes an application for creating custom tips for local installation.

Summary of Contents

  • Set on TipTopic topics providing brief lessons on Foswiki features. See TipsTopics.
  • Set of topics for creating and managing TipTopicXXX topics. See TipsOfTheDayAdmin.

Detailed Documentation

CSS used by TipsContrib

  • .tipsOfTheDay - overall container
  • .tipsOfTheDayContents - container for tipsOfTheDayHeader and tipsOfTheDayText
  • strong.tipsOfTheDayHeader - header that says "Tip of the Day"
  • .tipsOfTheDayText - the tip; contains title and tip summary and link "Read on"
  • .tipsOfTheDayTitle - title of the tip; the link to the tip topic

Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this contrib package. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the package on the server where Foswiki is running.

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip TipsContrib.zip in your Foswiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:
    lib/Foswiki/Contrib/TipsContrib.pm (noci)
    data/System/TipsContrib.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic001.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic002.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic003.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic004.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic005.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic006.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic007.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic008.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic009.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic010.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic011.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic012.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic013.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic014.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic015.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic016.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic017.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic018.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic019.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic020.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic021.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic022.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic023.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic024.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic025.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic026.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic027.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic028.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipTopic029.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipsTopics.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipsOfTheDay.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipsOfTheDayAddNew.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipsOfTheDayAdmin.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipsOfTheDayInclude.txt (noci)
    data/System/TipsOfTheDayTemplate.txt (noci)

Contrib Info

Copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoenyNOSPAM.org and TWiki Contributors
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Version: 11393 (2011-04-11)
Release: 11 Apr 2011
Change History:  
11 Apr 2011: Version released with Foswiki 1.1.3. Only a minor change related to how the contrib is being upgraded
06 Nov 2010: Foswikitask:Item9963 - Revert usage of $percent back to $percnt
31 Jul 2010: Foswikitask:Item9415 - Documentation updates
14 Apr 2010: Fix the "Add tip for plugin" form; Fix styles; Set correct parent on a new custom tip
16 Dec 2008: Foswiki version
04 Jan 2007: Performance improvement
10 Oct 2005: Initial version - Packaging by TWiki:Main.LynnwoodBrown
Dependencies: Foswiki:Extensions.SpreadSheetPlugin 18 Dec 2006 (r12315)
Home: http://foswiki.org/Extensions/TipsContrib
Support: http://foswiki.org/Support/TipsContrib

Related Topics: SitePreferences
Topic revision: r1 - 05 Jan 2007 - 04:02:03 - ProjectContributor

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