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Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition

Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition

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Journal of Transportation of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Volume 4, Issue 1

Adhering to the highest levels of peer review, the Journal of Transportation of the Institute of Transportation Engineers seeks to publish basic and applied transportation research findings aimed at advancing transportation knowledge and practices for the benefit of society. The Journal of Transportation publishes peer-reviewed articles based on thoroughly researched projects that have been conducted by preeminent transportation researchers.

Journal of Transportation

W. Hibbett Neel, Jr., P.E. (F) 2014 Candidate for International President

W. Hibbett Neel, Jr., P.E. (F)
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.

2014 Candidates for International Vice President
Jeffrey M. Arey, P.E. (F)
Jeffrey M. Arey, P.E. (F)
Vice President of Transportation and Infrastructure
Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc.
John Kennedy
John J. Kennedy, P.E., PTOE (F)
Senior Principal
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.

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February ITE Journal

The ITE Journal is written by and for transportation engineers, transportation planners and others responsible for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on our surface transportation systems.

ITE Collegiate Traffic Bowl

Join in the fun and competition of the 2013 ITE Collegiate Traffic Bowl Program and qualify for the Collegiate Grand Championship to be held at the ITE Annual International Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 4-7, 2013! For more information and competition updates, click here.

Collegiate Traffic Bowl

ITE Books Now Available on the App Store
In response to the increasing requests from members for more digital offerings and leveraging the ever-growing popularity of Apple’s iPad, ITE launched ITE Books for iPad, on April 12. The application is available for free on the App Store.
App Store Logo

Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020

Read About ITE's Involvement

ITE 2013 Technical Conference and Exhibit
ITE 2013 Technical Conference and Exhibit

Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina
San Diego, California

March 3-6 , 2013

Professional Development
Featured Web Seminars

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ITS Standards Training

ITE Lands' End Polo

Institute of Transportation Engineers
1627 Eye Street, NW, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20006 USA
Telephone: +1 202-785-0060 | Fax: +1 202-785-0609

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© 2013 Institute of Transportation Engineers