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Today's Focus:

Military Crisis Intervention Resources


"The Army's charter is more about holistically improving the physical, mental and spiritual health of our Soldiers and their families than solely focusing on suicide prevention. If we do the first, we are convinced that the second will happen."

- Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli , vice chief of staff

G-1 Suicide Prevention Web site


Year of the Noncommissioned Officer

"It has certainly helped me grow as an NCO. Training time can be limited for Guardsmen and Reservists so there can be a steep learning curve and the forum can help. Don't be afraid to ask a question if you're short on information. Reach out to NCOs who have been downrange, including junior enlisted who have combat experience."

- Staff Sergeant Colin Caspers, Army Reserve, a forum facilitators for NCO Net

Internet forum helps NCOs share information


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Military Crisis Intervention Resources

What is it?

Soldiers and families in need of crisis intervention support or authoritative information on psychological health and traumatic brain injury have two important resources available to them- Military OneSource's Crisis Intervention line and the Defense Center of Excellence (DCOE) for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury's Outreach Center help line.

Military OneSource offers a free phone and online service for active-duty, Guard and Reserve members (including Individual Ready Reserve) and their families. Credentialed consultants offer support and practical solutions 24/7/365. Military OneSource consultants assess the caller's needs and provide referral to health care professionals who can arrange face-to-face follow-up counseling.

CONUS callers can reach the Military OneSource 24/7 Crisis intervention line at 1-800-342-9647, or at their Web site. Soldiers and families overseas should refer to the Military OneSource Web site for specific dialing instructions from their location.

The Defense Center of Excellence (DCOE) Outreach Center provides 24/7 comprehensive and authoritative psychological health (PH) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) information, tools and resources for warriors, families, leaders, clinicians and the community. It helps the servicemembers, veterans and their families by connecting them with the resources they need to promote their resilience, recovery, and reintegration.

What has the Army done?

The Army remains committed to the health, safety and well-being of its Soldiers, civilians, and families. Army leaders assessed numerous crisis intervention resources before selecting Military OneSource and DCOE as those best suited to help the members of our Army community handle the unique stresses they face.

What will the Army do?

The Army will use every communication tool to 'get the word out' to our Army community that Military OneSource and the DCOE Outreach Center are primary resources for crisis intervention and psychological health/TBI information.

Why is this important to the Army?

The Army will continue to provide Soldiers, civilians and families resources to enhance their physical, mental and spiritual health. The Military OneSource and DCOE Outreach Center are two ways Army leaders can support the resiliency, life-coping skills and well-being of our Army community.


G-1 Suicide Prevention Web site

Military OneSource, Web site

DCOE Outreach Center Web site

The DCOE Outreach Center can be reached at 1-866-966-1020 or email DCOE Outreach Center


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