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Highlighting the staff of the FCC...

Posted March 31st, 2010 by David Fiske - Director, Office of Media Relations

Jeff Riordan, the Deputy AV Officer in the Commission’s Audio-Visual Center, is another “behind the scenes” public servant who makes sure the numerous events held at the Commission and around the country each month run smoothly and are publicly accessible.

Have you ever attended an Open Commission Meeting or watched a live webcast of an FCC event?  For days before a public event, Jeff and our other expert audio-visual staff engage in meticulous planning and preparations to help ensure that these proceedings run without a glitch.  Jeff spends most of his day going over dozens of details to make sure that the technical aspects, such as sound, lighting, audio and video are carefully coordinated, and that the equipment is working properly, so the public can easily tune in to Commission events.

Recently, as part of the Commission’s efforts to solicit input from the public in the development a National Broadband plan, Jeff’s job has required him to travel across the country to work on FCC field events in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas, to oversee the audio-visual and streaming needs of these events

Through his job working on Commission events Jeff has met some well known people including Stevie Wonder, Marlee Matlin, Vinton Cerf and Elmo! 

“I enjoy my job,” said Riordan.  “By working on FCC events held in Washington or across the country, and providing consumers with smooth webcasts, I feel like I’m doing my part.  Most people can’t come to D.C. to see Commission events first-hand.  I get to help bring the FCC to the public so they can be part of the important things we do.” 

Jeff has worked in the FCC’s AV office for almost 19 years.  Before joining the Commission he worked for the EPA in their television studio.

He lives in Frederick, Maryland with his wife and their two children.

Posted in Office Of Media Relations
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Highlighting the staff of the FCC...

Posted January 28th, 2010 by David Fiske - Director, Office of Media Relations

The vast majority of Commission staff serve the American public each day “behind the scenes.”  Sharon Hurd, a Media Relations Specialist in the Commission’s Office of Media Relations (OMR), is one such staffer.  If you subscribe to the FCC “Daily Digest”, or are interested in information about Commission actions, the chances are pretty good that Sharon may have been involved in helping to get this information to you on a timely basis. And last spring, you could even have met her personally when she traveled around the country as part of the FCC team meeting with consumers to help with the transition to digital television.  

OMR is the arm of the agency responsible for overseeing the release of official FCC actions and decisions. Ask any agency staff member who they turn to in OMR when they need assistance in getting items released and you can be sure Sharon’s name will be high on that list. These items include a wide variety of documents from high profile policy decisions and Chairman and Commissioner speeches to routine license renewal notices. But Sharon – and the entire OMR team – know that there are a lot of consumers and interested parties who are waiting to learn about these decisions, and they work hard to help get this information out expeditiously.  

Do you subscribe to the FCC’s Daily Digest?  If not, you should check it out.  The Digest provides over 10,000 subscribers across the world with a brief daily synopsis (with hyper links) of all Commission orders, news releases, speeches, public notices, press releases and other FCC documents released each business day.  Sharon is one of OMR’s editors of this widely used summary and document source, and she works to finalize it each day in a timely manner.

Last year Sharon volunteered to be a DTV outreach coordinator and traveled to states such as Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia to help educate America’s consumers about the digital television transition.  A February 2009 article in Wheeling, West Virginia’s Intelligencer newspaper highlighted Sharon and fellow Commission employee Sandy Haase’s DTV efforts.

This summer she’ll serve the public yet again by doing outreach in another vital way -- locating households and conducting brief interviews as a census taker for the 2010 Census.  Sharon worked on the year 2000 census so she knows what to expect. “Census volunteers play an important role in making sure everyone in this country is counted,” Sharon said.  “I really do find it rewarding to explain to the people that everyone’s voice counts and they need to complete their census forms.”

Sharon joined the agency in 1982 and worked in the Labor Relations Office and Complaint and Inquiries Branch before joining the Office of Media Relations. Sharon is a resident of Waldorf, Maryland and has a son.

She said, “I enjoy my job. I feel like I am doing my part by helping consumers, businesses and even other governments agencies get the communications information they need in a quick and efficient way.”

Serving consumers is what the FCC is all about, and we couldn’t do it without the dedication, commitment and hard work of consumer specialists like Sharon Hurd.

Posted in FCC Staff Office Of Media Relations