Government Plugging Into Energy Markets

Last week, GSA hosted an Energy Listening Session in Boston.  These sessions are an opportunity for GSA to hear from energy industry leaders from different regions of the country on ways to leverage our investments to spur brand new clean, responsible, and renewable energy markets. With information derived from these sessions, GSA can be more aggressive and strategic in our energy investments to spur economic growth and create jobs. Energy Listening Session 

During our meeting, we received valuable input from a broad selection of experts in the energy field from New England. Throughout the discussion, we heard different examples of sustainable energy technology and methods to conserve energy.  It is clear that there is no one way to address today’s energy challenges; however, the diverse array of solutions discussed is helpful to GSA as we continue to work across our business lines to incorporate innovative products and tools from the private sector  into government.

GSA is responsible for annual purchases of over $65 billion in products and services, nearly 10,000 buildings nationwide, and over 200,000 government vehicles.  As such, we have the ability to implement energy solutions from the private sector in our portfolio of real estate and energy related acquisitions.   Our reach spans the nation, so we are in a unique position test and validate new ideas in different regions. Additionally, GSA can share this information publicly so it can be used to further energy innovation.

As the purchasing arm of the federal government, President Obama has charged GSA with leading by example to increase energy efficiency, reduce waste, and shift the government to use environmentally-responsible products and technologies.  We are reaching out to industry leaders so that government can scale our investments across our business lines to support job-creating innovation in the energy markets.

As we continue to make the federal government more sustainable, GSA’s clean energy generation capacity can only grow with the expertise of industry. Through our Energy Listening Sessions we exchanging best practices and broadening our perspective to take creative approaches to support burgeoning markets, save taxpayer dollars, and create jobs.

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