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Collision with vessels is the leading human-caused source of mortality for the endangered North Atlantic right whale. Encouraging responsible boating practices and understanding the distribution of right whales are two key components to reducing the risk of ship strike. The Northeast Regional Office conducts mariner outreach, collects information on ship strike events, participates in NOAA’s national Ship Strike Reduction Strategy, and funds and coordinates aerial surveys and research programs to improve our understanding of vessel collision events and develop effective programs to further reduce the threat of ship strike to whales.


Ship Strike Prevention Training Materials




NOAA’s Ship Strike Reduction Strategy

The Ship Strike Reduction Strategy is an Atlantic coast initiative led by NOAA Fisheries’ Office of Protected Resources. The strategy consists of both regulatory and non-regulatory components, including operational measures for vessels, education and outreach programs, technological research, and international conservation agreements.

Whale Avoidance Measures

Right Whale Sighting and Tracking Data

Northeast Implementation Team (NEIT)



right whate


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Right Whale

For more information on the Ship Strike Reduction Program, please contact
Michael Asaro at 978-282-8469 or Michael.Asaro@noaa.gov

Last Updated: April 25, 2012

Sea Bottom Habitat Border
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