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WASHINGTON, D.C.-Representative Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) issued the following statement after attending  First Lady Michelle Obama's launch of Let’s Move, America’s effort to raise a healthier generation of kids.

"Since arriving in Congress, I have dedicated myself to helping youth live longer and healthier. Mrs. Obama's launch encourages me and all of us who are dedicated to stamping out childhood obesity to continue in our efforts. The event also inspires many to take up this cause anew. By using strategic partnerships and committing ourselves to increasing child wellness, we can and will improve America's health vital signs.

"Unless we work to reverse this epidemic, 23 million kids and teenagers will be in danger of becoming the first generation in American history to live shorter lives than their parents.

"Providing families with the education and opportunities necessary to lead healthy and long lives is the only way to reverse this trend. Expanding opportunities for family and community wellness by creating more sidewalks, funding safe routes to school, and creating community gardens and farmers' markets are examples of ways in which Congress can increase wellness and decrease obesity.

"In our community, there is much we can do immediately. Local advocates, such as the Cleveland Corner Store Initiative, can and do provide nutritional counseling and access to fresh foods.

"Adults who interact with children can show children that trying new fruits and vegetables can be an adventure. Go on walks in your neighborhood or the park with them. Make a game of taking the stairs together. Teach them your favorite childhood game.

"Let's get moving! Together, we can increase our children's wellness and transform America.

"Again, I am proud to support Mrs. Obama's launch of this incredible initiative. I look forward to her valuable support of Congressional proposals. As the founder of the Congressional Task Force on Childhood Obesity under the Children’s Caucus, I will continue to engage the First Lady's policy staff on this important endeavor."


Rep. Fudge's Legislation Addressing Childhood Obesity

o    Comprehensive Child Obesity Legislation: Rep. Fudge is working on comprehensive legislation to decrease child obesity in rural, low-income, and Native America communities, since they are hardest hit by this epidemic.
o    National Childhood Obesity Awareness MONTH: Rep. Fudge introduced a resolution designating September 2010 as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. This is a bi-partisan effort, support by the Congressional Spouses and over 50 National organizations, including the US Conference of Mayors, YMCA, and the American Medical Association.
o    House Sponsors: Representatives Fudge (D-OH) and Granger (R-TX)
o    Senate Sponsors: Senators Voinovich (R-OH) and Gillibrand (D-NY) 
o    National Youth Sports Program: Along with 75 college and universities, I plan to reauthorize the National Youth Sports Program, which is a summer program that addresses obesity and the lack of physical activity among low-income children.

Rep. Fudge's Events Encouraging Community and Family Wellness
o    Girls Empowerment Summit: The Northeast Ohio Summit, to be held this summer, will empower four hundred 10-12 year old girls and their parents to make healthy choices and develop a positive self-image.
o    Health Empowerment Summit: Over 500 constituents participated in Rep. Fudge's community health fair last August. During the morning forum, adults attended sessions on fitness, nutrition and weight management.  Children participated in interactive workshops on “How to be a Healthy Kid." The afternoon expo featured free health screenings.