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WASHINGTON, DC-- Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) made this statement today at the voting rights press conference:

"[In Ohio] We have one of the most draconian voter suppression bills in the United States. If we are going to have a society that involves all of its citizens, we cannot allow for these kinds of bills to be passed by legislature after legislature... Across this country, 11% of all people who are eligible to vote do not have a government issued ID. That's 21 million people. Every time we take one step forward, we take two steps back. And we're not going to allow it to happen. "

Click here to view Congresswoman Fudge's full statement

Video of the full press conference will be available here

Click here for more information about Ohio House Bill 194 and the pending ID bill

View photos from the event here

Members in attendance:

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

Rep. Corrine Brown

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

Rep. Charles A. Gonzalez

Rep. Tim Ryan

Rep. Gwen Moore

Rep. Betty Sutton

Rep. Hank Johnson

Rep. Maxine Waters

Rep. Donna Christensen

Rep. Maxine Waters

Rep. Steve Cohen

Rep. Karen B

Organizations and leaders in attendance:

Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rainbow PUSH Coalition

Tamika Mallory, National Action Network

Barbara Arnwine, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

Laura Murphy, American Civil Liberties Union

Hilary Shelton, NAACP

Rafael Collazo, National Council of La Raza/Democracia USA

Nichole Austin-Hillery, Brennan Center for Justice

Campus Progress, Center for American Progress

Diallo Brooks, People for the American Way

E. Faye Williams