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"By taking the Food Stamp Challenge, I hope to raise awareness that 45 Million Americans live on $4.50 a day for their meals.  It would be an American tragedy if we balance the federal budget by reducing food aid to our most vulnerable citizens."

WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, OH- Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) announced she will be participating in the Food Stamp Challenge beginning on November 7th.  The challenge, living off the average Food Stamp benefit for one week, is part of the "Fighting Poverty with Faith, Working Together to end Hunger" mobilization campaign, an effort to raise awareness on hunger and defend the Food Stamp program (formally called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP) from proposed cuts in the federal budget.

A SNAP recipient receives an average allotment of $31.50 per week.  That comes out to $4.50 a day per person, or $1.50 per meal.  

"The USDA recently reported that 14% of Americans are food insecure.  In June, a staggering 45.2 million Americans filed for food stamps because they are living in poverty- that's 1 in 7 Americans.  Nearly half of all food stamp recipients are children and 8 percent are people over the age of 60," said Congresswoman Fudge.  

"SNAP and other feeding programs are in danger of taking drastic cuts during the current budgeting process.  My hope is that raising awareness will protect these programs, helping legislators understand more about the lives of the 45 million Americans who rely on food stamps.  Potential cuts would not only hurt people struggling to get by, they would also hurt the economy.  Studies show every dollar spent on food stamps yields $1.73 in economic activity."

Congresswoman Fudge joins other participants in taking the challenge, including representatives of sponsoring organizations:  Catholic Charities, National Council of Churches, and Jewish Council for Public Affairs, as well as Senior White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett, and 11 other members of Congress.

MEDIA AVAILABILITY:  Interviews and b-roll of Congresswoman Fudge shopping for her week's worth of food will take place on Monday, November 7, 2011 at a time and location to be announced.  A follow-up media advisory will be sent later in the week.  Members of the media who are interested in scheduling an interview are asked to contact Belinda Prinz, phone:  (216) 522-4900  email:

Click image to view a recent interview on CNN about the SNAP Challenge